
And So It Begins…

Every story has a beginning.  On the day that I was born, my husband was walking down the aisle with his second grade class to receive his First Communion.  We grew up in  in different states, on opposite shores of Lake Michigan, but one day, almost exactly twenty four years after I was born, we would meet.

I remember once staring out across the expansive Lake Michigan, wondering who the man was that God had in mind for me.  There is a part of me that wonders if John was staring out on the other side of that lake right back at me, wondering the same thing.  The thing is, God is so poetic in the way that He weaves his blessings through our lives.  I’ve seen little glimpses of His poetry throughout my life…like the way I met my husband.

I had just left my “stable” job as a religion teacher to begin traveling around the country, with a girl I had only recently met, to speak to kids about chastity.  We were starting out with nothing, and we were excited to begin this new adventure.  Before we began traveling, we decided to film a chastity video in New Orleans…in the French Quarter…because we loved the irony of it all.

We asked people who we knew were trying to live out chastity in their lives to be a part of the video; none of us were anywhere near perfect, but we were all trying our lousy best.  We all converged upon this amazing little beach house along the Gulf Coast, feeling like we were a part of something special.

The day before filming, John drove 17 hours with his nephew to be a part of the video.  And in that sweet little beach house, I met the man that I would marry. There weren’t fireworks going off in our heads when we met, there was just the beginnings of a friendship…or so we thought.  And so it began like a tiny whisper…under the surface of our friendship, there was more.

And now, like a whisper, I write my first post.  I’m not sure what will come of this, but I’m excited to see where this thing goes.  And so it begins…moderncatholicmom.com


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