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    On Pilgrimage: Rome with Kids (Part 1)

    I have been slowly making my way through our recent pilgrimage to Italy.  Please forgive me if it takes until our next family trip to finish this series of posts, but life –just life. I’d love to write every day, but I’m still trying to find the balance between blogging and living. Since my return, we have slowly transitioned back into the ordinary rhythm of life.  Usually I return from a family vacation feeling empty and exhausted — the shell of a person I once was.  Don’t get me wrong — I love our family trips — but I usually need to hide away for a few weeks to recover from them.  This…

  • Living,  Traveling

    St. Peters Basilica: 7 Quick Takes

    Rome — where do I begin?  On some level, Rome is like every other big city out there — traffic, noise, the constant activity of people doing all the things that people do in big cities.  But Rome is also strangely unlike any other big city in the world– it is literally bursting at the seams with all things Catholic — slowly the big city fades and you begin to notice that everywhere you look there is some aspect of our faith represented in living color. It is a city of pilgrims, of saints, of sinners.  In a real way, it is a city that belongs to all of us — for what else does the word “catholic”…