7 Quicktakes:November Edition
Happy Friday, everybody. On to the Quick Takes.
10,000 Steps (Or Maybe Not)
After traveling this summer and walking miles each day with our kids, I decided to try to incorporate more steps into my day. Honestly, I just feel better and have more energy when I’m more active, so I don’t consider exercise a luxury — it’s definitely a necessity.
Plus, I’ve been bringing the younger ones outside more to get in those steps, and everybody’s more peaceful after some time outdoors.
At first I set the goal of 10,000 steps a day/5 days a week, but I’ve had to adapt those goals to be more realistic. There is only so much time in the day, and trying to get in 10,000 steps just takes more time than I can manage five days a week.
Regardless of the adjustment, it has been really good to be more mindful of getting outside, taking time to slow down, and enjoying those moments of holding little hands and the fun little talks as we’re crunching through a bunch of leaves. It’s been good for all of us.

Traveling on the Mind
I just love this quote from Mark Twain. It sums up much of why we’ve made traveling an important part of our kids’ education. It’s a lot of work to make it happen, so much so that I find myself wondering if John and I are just gluttons for punishment. At the end of the day, though, it’s been worth it for us to make those moments happen.
Honestly, you don’t need to cross oceans to broaden your horizons. Sometimes it’s as simple as walking across the street to get to know your neighbor or taking out those earbuds and talking to the person at the register — those are perfect ways to stretch ourselves, to breakdown prejudices, and to see the goodness in the people we meet everyday. That Mark Twain was a wise man.

Irish Moss

For some reason, this little patch of moss peeking out of a leaf covered trail, reminds me of John. Maybe it’s because Irish moss has a funny role in our engagement story. John proposed to me in Glendalough, Ireland, on a peak overlooking St Kevin’s chapel. We planted two rose bushes on the spot where I said, “yes” (that was a bit presumptuous of John to bring those roses along, wasn’t it?).
Then we walked down the hill and came upon a stream with crazy rapids rolling on by. John attempted to jump over to the other side, hit a patch of slippery moss and proceeded to smash his head and fall into the rapids. The thought that crossed my mind? “Wouldn’t you know it, I finally said yes — and now he’s going to die in those rapids!” Somehow he managed to fight the current and drag himself up – nothing hurt but his pride.
Then he actually had the nerve to motion to me to jump over into his arms! I just saw his near plunge to his death, so I wasn’t about to repeat his mistakes. I just looked at him and said, “I think I’ll walk on down to a safer spot”. And 18 years and 6 kids later, still love this crazy guy and his adventurous spirit.
Fall Colors
I have to say, I have a bittersweet feeling about Fall. I absolutely love the sweaters, the brilliant colors, and the cozy evenings in. What I don’t like are the shorter days, the lower energy, and my overwhelming desire to hibernate somewhere until Spring.
So, I’ve made a concerted effort to try to immerse myself in all the beauty that Fall has to offer. It’s been lovely. Here’s a few pictures of the beautiful colors this time of year.

Enjoying This Book
This book arrived last week. So far, an excellent read. Warning: it just might make you want to go out and crush the head of some demons. 😉As an aside, who doesn’t love a leather-bound book? It would make a great confirmation gift.
An an aside, I don’t do sponsored posts, so this is not a sponsored post in disguise. I just really like this book and it has a timely message. Excellent job, Tan Books!

This is Happening Soon!
I am getting so excited for the upcoming beatification of Fr. Solanus Casey. He is an amazing man. I’m going to try to share more about him next week.

What Would I Do Without These Kids?
As the days get shorter, I tend to experience a little bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD — somebody out there has a sick sense of humor). Anyway, it’s nothing overwhelming, but it’s most definitely related to the shorter days of the year.
Which is why I find myself wondering what would I do without my little ones. Yes, they can be hard at times, but honestly, the laughter, the smiles that they bring to my face — priceless, really.
Just the other day, I found myself wondering, “Do I really have to get up and do the day all over again? Didn’t I just do it yesterday?” It was one of those days when the to-do list was long and I wasn’t sure how I was going to to get it all done. Do you ever have one of those days?
Then I looked down at my houseplant and noticed a half eaten sea salt chocolate chip cookie, just sitting in the plant. My 5 year old had left her cookie there for another day.

Hiding desserts? Surely she takes after her mother! For some reason that little unexpected moment of laughter changed my attitude towards the day. And yes, it still tasted good after 3 days in a plant.
I can not tell you how many days I have found myself being filled to the brim by observing some crazy thing they said or did — or simply those smiling faces. Kids are the best! Yes, we give them a lot, but I’m beginning to think that it’s nothing compared to what they are giving back to us. So yay for kids!

Well, I actually did it. My 7 Quick Takes were kind of quick. Have a great weekend!
Linking up with Kelly

Stopping by from 7QT. Your pictures are gorgeous. I love the Mark Twain quote, and yes, kids are the best!
Hello fellow 7QT’er! 🙂
Just getting to read this now. My question is, how do you keep count of the steps? And, give us a full post on dealing with SAD for those of us with kids or loved ones that deal with it. Maybe you will say just what we need to help them. Love you, Megan
So for counting steps, I used my iPhone “health” app which shows steps and miles walked. After about 2 weeks of using the App, I now have a pretty good idea of how many steps I can get in walking at a normal pace and then at a faster pace. For the record, 10,000 steps is about 4.2 miles. If I’m walking slowly, that is about 1hour 15 minutes of walking time. If I’m going faster, it’s under an hour. But, cleaning the house and running up and down stairs actually can get me close to 2,500 steps in a day, so there are other ways to get in those steps. Also, a few days a week, I go to a gym which measures the distance for me. As for SAD, I will definitely write something on that. In a nutshell, though, it comes down to eating well, exercising at least 3 times a week, getting Vitamin D and B supplements in darker months, prayer, connecting with people, and sometimes even using a Verilux light in morning while I pray –which is supposed to imitate the full spectrum of light. We’ll talk at Thanksgiving!