Be That Masterpiece God Created You to Be
Did you know that YOU are a unique, unrepeatable miracle of a masterpiece who was lovingly knit in the womb of your mother by the God of the Universe? Yep, it’s true!
And I know that so many of us have grown so accustomed to the miracle that is another human being that we forget that truth about WHO WE ARE and WHO THEY ARE, TOO.
Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that we were made in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS of God and we are meant to reflect THE GOODNESS, TRUTH AND BEAUTY OF GOD in our own unique way in this world.
You are precious. Every life is precious. There is no such thing as a worthless human being — it’s impossible! Believe it or not, as amazing as THE DAVID or STARRY NIGHT or the APHRODITE OF MILOS or the greatest Cathedrals in the world are, YOU ARE WAY MORE PRECIOUS than any of those masterpieces.

Every single human being has infinite value and worth, and we know that because God sent His only Son to die for you and for me — and He would have died even if just to save one of us! That’s how important we are to Him. That is how much He loves us!
So, instead of denying the masterpiece that YOU ARE, it’s time to start living in a way that honors that reality.
This isn’t to say that we don’t have things to work on and a heart that needs to be purified and sin that needs to be addressed in our hearts — all of that is true — we all have to cooperate with God to become more of that masterpiece that He created us to be from the very first moment of our existence.
We call those masterpieces Saints and we were all created to be unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable Saints who will live with God for all of Eternity in complete and utter happiness in Heaven. So, let us begin today to BECOME THOSE SAINTS we were created to be — to allow our Father in Heaven to make us one.
It begins with Faith, Hope and Love — and the greatest of these is LOVE. So let us become what we were are meant to be — that masterpiece, that Saint, that lover of God and neighbor.
As St. Catherine of Siena once said, “Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world ablaze”.
Have a beautiful weekend!

Hello Moira,
Thank you for this reminder – it is always something my priest reminds me of during Confession. As a mom, I often feel deflated and unable to be the mom that I want to be. I then am gently reminded that I am asked to be the mom that God wants me to be – and He always gives us what we can handle.
Love your posts – hope you and you family are keeping healthy and safe.
Hello Sonia-Maria,
Amen to that! Thank God for good priests and their words of wisdom! Blessings to you and your family!