Murphy’s Law and Offering It Up
Well, today has been all about dealing with technical difficulties with this blog, and after three hours I have made zero progress. Zero! As I’ve been unable to connect to an actual human being, it looks like I might not be able to solve my problems. I guess what I’m trying to say is it looks like Murphy’s Law in full force right now.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the pessimism that the Irish have coined into a simple phrase, Murphy’s Law in Brief states “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” Oh boy!
The good news is that with God’s grace, even those in-grained pessimistic tendencies can be slowly eradicated and offered for a greater purpose.
I guess I’ll have to go with the age old wisdom of “Offer it up” and do something positive with my frustrations. It feels very Lent-appropriate and therefore I will trust God can use this for some good in the world.
I happen to have offered today’s fast for a family dealing with some serious trials — so perhaps this frustration will be a source of grace for somebody who is dealing with much more than me at the moment — it really is a beautiful practice to offer our little sufferings up for others.
When we offer up our sufferings and frustrations to God, it gives them meaning and value.
The Saints offer us this simple little remedy for when our own frustrations and sufferings seem to be pointless — offer it up to God and trust He will do something beautiful with it — and so I shall.

Hope your Lent is going well.
Keep going. I’ll try to do the same!

Love you, sister. I will offer something today for you. Thank you for being one of my teachers. Megan
Thanks Megan!
I’m sure your prayers helped me resolve many of my problems this weekend! Talk soon!