Well, hello there!
First things first. My name is Moira, pronounced like “Laura” with an “M”, but I will answer to any number of mispronunciations of my name, and likely won’t correct you, if you do.
It’s one of my quirks.

“What can I say, God granted me a sick sense of humor. I much prefer the insanity of family life to a quiet life without kids.”
~Modern Catholic Mom~
I am married to John, and we have six crazy, amazing kids — who also happen to be really good at pushing us to the edge of insanity, but not quite over it. ;). I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I love faith, food, family, fashion, and friends — but not necessarily in that order. I also love travel and amateur philosophizing. Just give me a cappuccino or a nice glass of wine and a few hours, and we’ll likely solve all the worlds problems, in one sitting.
Marriage and kids has been the best — and most unexpected — adventure of my life! I feel blessed to love what I do, even when my family happens to be driving me crazy.
A few random things about me: I used to travel the country giving chastity talks (which is also how I met John), I once testified before the United States Congress, St. John Paul II once kissed me on the forehead, and when I was young, Nancy Drew and Anne of Green Gables helped me learn to love my red hair (I used to absolutely hate it!).
I never imagined finding happiness in this often hectic — sometimes hidden — life of wife and mother, but I gotta say, I wouldn’t change this life for anybody else’s!
I hope this blog will encourage you to embrace your own, crazy amazing life and to let go of everything that the world is telling you that you should be, so you can become the woman that were meant to be — the amazing woman that God had in mind from the beginning of time.
You go girl! 🙂
And to the guys who read my blog (rumor has it there are a number of you), I hope the very same things for you — only the manly version of that. 😉
That’s about it. I hope you’ll visit again!
“Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire”
Catherine of Sienna