Dream Bigger
Full disclosure: the early years of marriage and babies weren’t always easy.
In fact, I dare say they were the most challenging years of my life — but they also were the biggest years of growth for me.
Coincidence? I think not.
In fact those early years with babies involved a lot of pruning — the cutting back of the selfishness, the self centered-ness that I had no idea was so prevalent in my life.
Am I still selfish — yep! But the subtle shift from “me” to “we” has taken root in my life.
My greatest aspirations have shifted from “my dreams” to “our dreams” — both John’s and mine and the common dreams we share with our kids.
Looking back, I think my biggest challenge in those early years was not that my dreams were too big for my life with kids — they were way too small — so small that they didn’t include the possibility of my kids being a part of them.
What I discovered was that, if your babies don’t fit into your dreams, then you need to dream bigger. Think bigger!

Honestly, making room for them has actually made my dreams grow and change in beautiful ways.
Way better than when it was all about me!
So, my greatest word of advice is to let your greatest dreams include your family. Allow your dreams to change for the better.
Most importantly, allow God to enter into those dreams and change them and mold them for the better.
If you can do this — if you are willing to entrust your dreams into God’s hands — then you will discover that amazing person that God had in mind when He lovingly formed you into existence, in the first place.
If you can let go, enough to let God have some room to work, I guarantee God will do amazing things with those dreams.
Just be prepared for beautiful and wonderful things. It’s going to be amazing!
You go, girl! Dream bigger!

Great post!
Thank you, Laura!