Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Die… to Ourselves :(
My parents are in town, so I am allowing for another light week of blogging so I can spend some time with them. I don’t take for granted the fact that I am blessed to still have my parents around — they’re in their 80’s — everyday we have with them is a gift!
I must admit, I always miss writing when I take little breaks, but — priorities — always a balancing act!
As it’s Fat Tuesday, I thought I’d share a little “inspirational” image I made to express my hopes for us all before tomorrow rolls around.
Oh, this fasting thing is hard for me. All you people who tend to be “hangry” know what I mean. And if you don’t know what I mean by “hangry”, check out last week’s post.
I had a priest who suggested I offer my Lent for a few people I have been really worried about — so despite the fact that I am afraid it might make it the Worst.Lent.Ever. I think I’m going to face my crazy and do what he said. More about that on Friday.
Lent — let’s do this! But first, let’s enjoy those last moments of feasting!

Please pray for me and I’ll be praying for you!