You are invited!
Please join in prayer and fasting for the upcoming election, our country, our leaders, and for each other!
Lord knows we need it!
When a friend from real-life (Shout out Tori!) reached out to me on Instagram and asked me to join in this Holy Spirit initiative, of course, I said, “yes!”.
I know the power of prayer and fasting.
I’ve witnessed the beautiful effect of praying and fasting for specific intentions in my own life. Honestly, how could I say “no” — knowing that there is so much at stake with this election?
I’m not just talking about political ramifications — I’m talking about the right to life and to practice our faith and our own salvation that is at stake — which is way more important than politics, if you ask me!
There is a battle going on for your soul — and that battle is happening 24/7/365 (366 on leap years!).
Yes, we have a duty to vote — but don’t let politics distract you from the bigger picture of eternal life in Heaven and carrying out God’s will in our life — every single day.
We are called to make a difference with our lives.
We are called to share the Gospel and live the Gospel — which basically boils down to the reality that we are called to be Saints who will pray and act in this world according to God’s will and His TRUTH.
So let’s begin to work on becoming that Saint who God had in mind when He knit us in our mama’s womb.
Let’s stop hiding that light of Christi within us — it’s time to let that Light guide us and embolden us to speak the truth.
The silence is killing us!
It’s time to ramp up our prayers, to fast for our Church and to speak the words God is asking us to speak.

If you feel like the world is heading down the wrong path — this challenge is for you!
If you feel like the world is just great as it is (okay, what rock have you been living under?…ha, ha!) this challenge is also for you — Lord knows we could all use that optimism. 🙂
Invite others to join us in this rally for prayer — whether it be in-person rosary groups or holy hours at your local church (get your priests involved) or even from your favorite prayer chair at home — let this next 3 weeks be a time of prayer and fasting for our country and this election.
Don’t ever, ever, ever underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer can change the course of history!
Don’t believe me? Just look at Ninevah, the Battle of Lepanto, how prayer changed the course of some of our greatest military battles in recent history, and the way prayer changes things in your own life!
Don’t think your prayers and fasting don’t matter — because it does matter — way more than you may ever know!
Your prayers can change the course of history! You matter! Your life has a greater purpose than you know!
So let’s get to it, people!
Let’s also harness the power of social media for good! Use #fastandpray2020 to spread the word over on Facebook and Instagram.
You can tag me, if you’d like. I’d love to supports your efforts to share this message, too!
As a final word of encouragement, if you are worried and distressed over the state of the world right now, let me offer you an amazing example of the holy detachment we see in Pope St. John XXIII.
He had the responsibility of the entire Church in his hands (talk about pressure!), but at the end of each day, he knew he had done his best and he needed to turn it all over to God.
If you are anxious and afraid, at the end of each day, I recommend doing the same.
Turn over your family, the Church, the world, the elections, EVERYTHING into the Hands of an all-powerful God who is working here.
We just need to have the eyes of faith to see that. (Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!)

So let’s spend this next month in prayer and fasting and then let’s leave the results in our loving Father’s hands.
Regardless of who wins and loses this election, we are all going to be okay as long as we stay close to God and His Church. I truly believe that!
So be not afraid, good people! Pray, hope and don’t worry!