How Ora Et Labora Is Keeping Me Sane During Quarantine
Hello everybody!
I don’t know about you, but the lines for computers are long around here, as all music lessons and classes have gone to livestream or pre-recorded for the foreseeable future.
Which means I’ve decided to try to post on Saturdays, instead of Fridays, and also to share one post from the week of posts I’ve shared over on Instagram and Facebook.
Some will have additions and be in a longer format, but it’s the best I can do when life is so upside down around here.
Stay safe and well and keep praying! I know I am!
Without further ado, thoughts on how St. Benedict is helping us to stay sane over here…

“Ora et Labora” — translated “Prayer and Work” is attributed to St. Benedict and they are two pillars within the rule he wrote for the monks of his order.
As we find ourselves in the middle of a quarantine, I’ve been falling back on those two pillars to keep my sanity. I have to say, I think St. Benedict was on to something.
There is something truly restorative in rising in the morning, praying and then beginning your day with a peace and direction that just can’t come without prayer.
There is also something truly restorative in an honest day’s work — real work, the type that pushes your body and helps you to regain control of the thoughts that sometimes spin around in your head, especially in days like these.
In the midst of all the uncertainty, John and I and the kids have naturally resorted to a rhythm of work and prayer, shared meals and time alone to tackle the tasks before us.
If you’re wondering…yes, there are still fights and arguments and all the rest of the crazy that is family life😬…but that is to be expected.
But trying our best to live out our own little domestic church has been the saving grace in all the crazy. It’s getting us through and hopefully we’ll be stronger on the other end of all of this.
Who knows, maybe this time at home is going to change some things about the way we live our lives…and for the better.
At the very least my windows look amazing and I’m cleaning all the things I can get my hands on😂…so there’s that!
So if you’re feeling a little hopeless right now, maybe it’s the perfect time to bring “Ora et Labora” into your own little domestic church.
Give it a try. What do you have to lose?
Peace, good people! We’re going to get through this with Jesus at our side!💛🙏🏼🙌🏻

A great inspiration “Ora et labora” is! I’ve been praying some (shortened) version of the Divine Office too, trying to embedd it in my rythm of life. It’s not always easy but it gives direction to my days. It can also be family friendly. There is singing too, which might be fun for children. There are many apps and online websites that have the Divine Office. I recommend Universalis. I bought the app at a low cost and with perpetual license. It even allows you to set alarms to remind you of praying time, like monasteries!
God bless you!
Hello Pedro,
I have tried a few times to get into the pattern of the Divine Office. It’s so beautiful! So I’ll keep trying with your encouragement. I used to have an app but then it wasn’t updated so it stopped working :(. Thank you for sharing a little bit about how it has blessed your day!!