Mother Teresa on Starting at Home
This is the last post in a series leading up to the canonization of Mother Teresa. I hope you have enjoyed it.
As this is posting, my husband, six kids, and I will be roaming the streets of Rome trying to find the office to pick up our tickets for the canonization of Mother Teresa! My husband and I are most likely lost and arguing about the best route to our destination, while avoiding data roaming charges on our cell phones –that’s the reality of family pilgrimages, people!
Yes, if all has gone well, we have made it to Rome and are looking forward to this amazing woman officially being known as St. Teresa of Calcutta, or St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta? I don’t know your official title, but Mother Teresa, please pray that this crazy family survives our pilgrimage!
We are so blessed to be able to join hundreds of thousands of other Catholics in the eternal city this weekend for the canonization. Prayers would definitely be appreciated for safety and health, because Lord knows a trip with 6 kids is always an adventure — I’ll be praying for everybody who reads this!
Mother Teresa on being a co-worker:
Any person who carries love, who shares love,
Is a co-worker in action. A co-worker is a person who
Puts her love for God into living action
And service to the poor. Where?
In the family first and then for others.
We must not neglect our homes and go out
Before we have started inside and begin with ourselves first.
Then, because we have practiced that,
We are able to give to others.
~Mother Teresa~
Blessings to you!