Why We Travel With Our Kids
Summer is here and the living is easy. It’s time to start thinking about your next family adventure. Yeehaw! Don’t get me wrong. There is most definitely a time and a place for couple getaways and weekends with friends — but what if you began to see your family as the best partners in any travel adventure? Please note that I didn’t say they are the best partners in a relaxing or spa-like getaway — no, no, no — anybody who has ever traveled with a bunch of kids knows you will likely come home exhausted and ready for another vacation. So get words like “relaxation” and “spa-like” out of…
Be Sealed With the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Hey Guys! We just celebrated a beautiful confirmation! Family is still in town, so no post this week. Come back next week for some ideas on making family adventures happen this summer — big or small, just do it! Thanks for visiting! God bless your weekend!
May, You Haven’t Killed Me Yet, So You Can Stop Trying.
May hasn’t killed me yet, how about you? True, there were a few minutes when I thought I was done for, but this isn’t my first May rodeo, and I’ve learned a few things about surviving May — more often than not, the hard way. According to the internet, that basically makes me an expert and a certified life coach, so I figured I’d share a few things I’ve learned along the way. Hopefully, it will help somebody out there to not only survive a month like May, but possibly even find yourself thriving in the busiest times of your life. Yes, it is possible, and here are three easy…
The Commencement Speech
Well, it’s that time of year — young men and women, across the nation, donning cap and gown, processing down an aisle, listening to speech or two and then they are off to begin their new lives. So this week’s post is a commencement speech of sorts — one that I dedicate to my own daughter and the class of 2019. Without further ado, here we go… Let us begin at the beginning — your beginning. From the beginning, you were greatly loved. Despite any of the challenges that may have faced your parents, you were loved by them, and without a doubt, you were perfectly loved by God. You…
Does the Modesty Culture Cause Shame in Women?
A series of events this week — which included a friend sharing her concern about imposing modestly guidelines in our home — led to a deep dive into a very important question, “Does the modesty culture cause shame in women?”. Honestly, I’ve had a very positive experience with modesty culture, but I know that is not the case for everybody, and I took her concern very seriously. One of the most difficult things about being a parent is that you can never really go on “autopilot” — the moment you start getting overly confident about parenting, is usually the moment you find yourself hitting a wall. I guess what I’m…
Defining Success
The other day, one of my lovely nieces was over (I have many lovely nieces), and we started discussing the innovative ways she’s been trying to encourage and highlight women doing beautiful things in this world. Suddenly, the thought came to me, “I wonder how those women define ‘success’?” Honestly, I think it’s an important question — for better or for worse, our definition of success is likely a big motivator in the choices we make and the way we live our lives. Think about it for a second. How do you define “success”? Taking the time to think about it, just might change the way you live your life.…
Who Is Ready For An Adventure?
Happy Easter! Family is in town and events are happening, but I had to take the time to invite you to join me and some great ladies from Instagram for a 90 Day Bible Adventure beginning May 1st. The goal is to read the 14 Narrative books of the Bible that give the overall picture of salvation history and, ultimately, gain insight into our own salvation story as well. It will take 90 days and I am excited to see what the Holy Spirit is going to do with all of this. I took my inspiration from the Great Adventure Bible I bought from Ascension Press. (This is not a…
Notre Dame Burning, Holy Week & Being the Remnant
Most of you have likely heard about the devastating fire that burned down a portion of the beloved Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. I was going about my day on Monday, when my brother’s text came in, “Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is burning down”. And then I went on my phone and watched as the steeple topped into a blazing fire that encompassed the entire roof of the Cathedral. All I could do was cry. Then my brother began to send me texts reminding me of all the crazy adventures we had when we went to France on pilgrimage, May of 1995. Our first stop after a long journey…
How to Make the Most of Holy Week
It’s hard to believe that we are less than a week away from the Triduum — and then Easter! Here’s a few suggestions for living out this last week with greater intentionality and an increased awareness of the amazing mystery that we are entering into. Without further ado: 7 ways to Make the Most of Holy Week. Go to Confession Seriously, first things first. If you haven’t gone to confession this Lent, Go! This would be my number one word of advice for opening yourself up to the ocean of graces that God is waiting to pour out on you this Holy Week. So what are you waiting for? Go,…
Is Abortion Really About Freedom for Women?
I am going to be honest. I didn’t want to write this post. Nope. I wanted to write a nice post about capsule wardrobes or decluttering your home. But then I got writers block and as I sat staring at a blank screen, I spontaneously said, “Lord what do you want me to write about?” (Warning: don’t ever do this if you just want to write a puff piece and call it a day.) And then it just popped into my mind, “Abortion is the new slavery”. “Um, no. I won’t be writing about abortion. That’s sooo controversial and not pleasant at all”. But darn it, then I went off…