Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Die… to Ourselves :(
My parents are in town, so I am allowing for another light week of blogging so I can spend some time with them. I don’t take for granted the fact that I am blessed to still have my parents around — they’re in their 80’s — everyday we have with them is a gift! I must admit, I always miss writing when I take little breaks, but — priorities — always a balancing act! As it’s Fat Tuesday, I thought I’d share a little “inspirational” image I made to express my hopes for us all before tomorrow rolls around. Oh, this fasting thing is hard for me. All you people who tend…
Best Lent Ever — or Not — It’s Up to You.
Ah, life — always a balancing act! This week blogging took a back seat to all the work that’s been piling up. 🙁 Anyway, I thought I’d share a few thoughts on Lent. I can hardly believe the time is upon us — but here we are stuffing in those last Paczki’s — and before you know it, it will be Ash Wednesday. Where has the time gone? Lent is usually something I just try to get through. But this year, I want to try to do more than survive it — I actually want to find myself thriving in it. How about you? So, without further ado, I offer you my 7 Quick Tips for Preparing for the Best.Lent.Ever…
That Time We Went to Positano… Part 3 — Livin’ La Dolce Vita
In lieu of 7 Quick Takes this week, I offer you the conclusion to That Time We Went to Positano… If you haven’t read part 1 or 2, start here. So there we were, walking towards Fornillo Beach… And, though, there was a pedestrian walkway leading down to the beach, we took a wrong turn and found ourselves walking through a tunnel cut into the rock, past another grotto to Mary, and into the front lobby of the Hotel Pupetto. Not sure how we managed to end up in a hotel, but it was quite fortuitous — it offered a great little beachside restaurant with drinks and food and a lovely view. I highly recommend grabbing a…
That Time We Went to Positano… Part 2 — Livin’ La Dolce Vita
If you haven’t read Part 1 of our trip, you might want to start here. Have you heard of the Last 4 Things? Well, the Church says that the “Last 4 Things” — Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell are worth thinking about. I know what you might be thinking — “Depressing!” I know, I know. Though spending time contemplating these things might seem doomed to becoming a big, fat downer — I have found that daring to do so might actually change the way you live your life. You might actually find yourself living life with more intention, more purpose, and — surprisingly, more joy — so don’t be afraid to do…
Tips and Tricks For Family Travel on a Budget
A few days ago I posted about That Time We Went to Positano. It was an amazing experience and I am so grateful that we took that leap of faith and went on that crazy adventure. But adventures like that take time, money, and planning. In the effort to help you create your own family adventures, I offer you my 7 Quick Tips and Tricks for Family Travel on a Budget. I really hope it helps you to get out there and explore this world of ours — even if it’s just a few hours away from your own home. Enjoy. ~1~ Why Family Travel It’s so important to know up front…
That Time We Went to Positano… (Part 1)
It’s a sludgy, gray day in the Midwest — can you tell winters aren’t my favorite? I thought rather than dwelling on the fact that I’m working hard to love all the seasons — and currently failing 🙁 — that it would be a good time to finally share about that time we went to Positano. Maybe you’re in the midst of equally horrid weather — or just plain sick of all the political posts in your news feed — if so, I hope this will be a cheerful break from reality! I know I always love looking at pictures of far off places and dreaming of being there. How about you? Actually, it’s the first…
Washington, D.C. (With Kids)
Well, it’s been an intense week. Time to lighten things up a bit, shall we? I thought I’d offer you my tips on visiting D.C. with kids. Obviously, it’s a worthwhile place to visit — for so many reasons — but it is also a very child-friendly city, and we really enjoyed it. So don’t be afraid to bring everybody along for a crazy family road trip. Here’s a few tips and and tricks to make for a more memorable trip. ~1~ The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception I have said it before, but we have found making at least one spot on your journey a pilgrimage site tends…
Random Thoughts: Keep Marching Baby
The March for Life was amazing! I gotta say — it was definitely worth the 18 hours of round-trip travel time and every other chaotic moment that comes with traveling with 6 kids. So glad we went! It was such an impactful experience that it’s hard to put my mind around it all — but I’m gonna try. To gain better perspective on the reasons for the March, you might like to check out last week’s post Why We March. But for those of you who’d don’t mind a few random thoughts here or there — I offer you my “Random thoughts on the March for Life”. Enjoy. First Random Thought: Preach it. Pope John Paul II got the importance of…
Why We March…
My mother is one of the founders of the March for Life — in fact, she was pregnant with me during that first March — and the story of how it all came about is an interesting one. A few years prior to the March, my mother found herself in a convent in the South. Though the “nun” thing didn’t work out, this time did help her to gain insight into the plight of the African-American living in the South at the time. Having a heart for what they were suffering, she decided that she was going to help black men and women register and exercise their right to vote. She marched with Martin Luther King,…
The Cry Room: A Parents’ Guide to Survival
Okay, we’ve all been there — we’ve all been in the cry room. That awful, horrid place were children and parents are left to live sad, lonely lives — spurned by the families with well-behaved children. That room where all your hopes and dreams have been dashed to pieces amidst the cheerios, that awful diaper smell, and the other equally pathetic parents who find themselves there. That room where you are will ultimately find yourself asking questions like, “What is wrong with me?” “Why can’t I get it together?” or “Where did I go wrong? ” Well I’m here to tell you that you are just fine — in fact, you are more than…