Living the Life….Confession
Confession…it’s a thing…a really good thing…a run out to your local priest and get this thing done, thing. If you’re Catholic, you’ve probably gone at least one time this year, because frankly we’re asked to go at least that often. But maybe instead of saying that it’s something I have to do, what if I said that it was something that I get to do? I get to go to confession as often as I want, like everyday if necessary. I’m not saying you should go everyday, I’m just saying you could. But why go at all? Well, right before Jesus was getting ready to die, he spoke to the apostles, the first bishops of our Church and…
Let’s Talk About….Babywearing
Babywearing: it’s a THING. If you google “babywearing” you will find hundreds of videos and entire sites dedicated to babywearing. I guarantee, if you spend any time perusing these videos, you will find a rainbow-haired, colorfully-tattooed Dutch mama who is particularly good at wrapping her babies; that girl can wrap like a ninja! I have only recently purchased my first woven wrap. It wasn’t cheap, and you’ll probably be shocked at the fact that this is just a really long piece of woven fabric, and yes, you could probably make your own for less, but a mom only has so much time to invest in her day. For me, it was worth doing the research and buying one ready-made.…
Why start a blog??
I have thought about starting my own blog for a few years now. I briefly blogged for a local news site, and had one article published in the local newspaper, but life with little kids was busy — crazy busy — like it was impossible to carve out the time to do both well. Something had to give, and I knew it couldn’t be my attention to my kids. So I gave up something that I enjoyed doing because I knew that the timing was off. I’m happy that I did that — no regrets. But recently, I began finding myself doing crazy things to express myself, like spending 30 minutes…
And So It Begins…
Every story has a beginning. On the day that I was born, my husband was walking down the aisle with his second grade class to receive his First Communion. We grew up in in different states, on opposite shores of Lake Michigan, but one day, almost exactly twenty four years after I was born, we would meet. I remember once staring out across the expansive Lake Michigan, wondering who the man was that God had in mind for me. There is a part of me that wonders if John was staring out on the other side of that lake right back at me, wondering the same thing. The thing is, God is…