Speak the Truth in Love
You know, sometimes we can allow our fear of “offending” somebody get in the way of saying the very thing that we know will set them free.
Why is that?
If we’re being honest, sometimes it’s because we would rather be liked by somebody than to say that difficult thing that NEEDS to be said.
Other times, we genuinely fear hurting somebody’s feelings so much so, that we remain silent — even though, deep down, we know they DESERVE the truth that will set them free.
The third option, which is the least attractive, is that we simply don’t care about the souls of the people around us. I’m willing to bet anybody, that is reading this doesn’t fall into that category — but it has to be acknowledged as a possibility.
Whatever our motivation for remaining silent, let’s just be clear: we’re not doing any body any favors by remaining silent when we ought to speak up.
Which isn’t to say that the initial response to our speaking up might not ruffle some feathers — because it absolutely might do just that — but fear of ruffling feathers shouldn’t stop us from saying something that God has placed on our hearts.
Let’s just be honest, sometimes the truth does “offend” people.
It offends because it demands that we change. It “offends” because it requires we face things about ourselves that we don’t want to face.
But — in the end — it is the truth that will set us free and sometimes loving somebody means that we say the difficult thing, because we want what is best for them in the long run.
Best word of advice I’ve every received in this arena is to pray and fast for the people we love, pray for the wisdom to know when to speak up, and then ask for the courage to say the thing God is asking us to say.
Great advice.
Let’s not forget that loving somebody is often about the long game of looking down the path to Heaven and doing everything in our power to help the people around us get THERE.
Yes, we are our brothers (and sisters keeper). God made that clear in the Old Testament and affirmed it in the New Testament.
So don’t be afraid to say the thing you know somebody NEEDS TO HEAR. Pray for courage and wisdom and then speak the truth in love.💛🙏🏼🙌🏻
Have a good weekend, lovely people!

Perfectly timely. Thank you Moira!
You are so welcome, Julie!
Difficult times we live in! It seems more apparent than ever that our world and our Church are growing rotten because of our silence — even more importantly, though, souls are being lost because of our silence!
It’s time to speak the truth in love!
God bless you!