• Living,  Traveling

    Shaking Off the Shroud of Fear

    This last year and a half has been very interesting, to say the least. Though, to be honest, if you look at history, what we’ve experienced the past 18 months is not really all that unique and not anywhere close to the worst pandemics we’ve had to deal with. Perhaps the difference is that we have white-washed death and dying to such an extent in our culture that many people have actually forgotten that one day they will be dead and buried — 6 feet under — and there is absolutely nothing we can do to change that reality! Perhaps we’ve all become great, big control freaks and finding ourselves…

  • Talking

    A Catholic Perspective on Suicide and Depression

    A few weeks ago, I attended a funeral.  It was the funeral of a young woman, loved by so many, who had come to the conclusion that her life wasn’t worth living. It was a tragedy.  Her uncle, who also happened to be the priest presiding at her funeral, said it best, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this”. He was absolutely right.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  That’s not how her life was meant to end.  She was loved by so many.  Her life had infinite value.  There was so much good left to do. And the question remains, How did she not know how loved she…

  • Living,  Talking

    Blue Monday — We Got This!

    Blue Monday is a name given to the day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) reported to be the most depressing day of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere. So, according to my calculations, today promises to be the most depressing day of the year for most of the people reading this post — yay for us — not really. 🙁 You know, the Church foresaw Blue Monday way before Wikipedia made it a thing — it’s called Ordinary Time — and coming off of the highs of the Christmas Season can be hard for all of us. The parties are over, family has returned to their…