Embrace Your Femininity…Don’t Erase Your Femininity.
I know that we live in a world that doesn’t always appreciate the contribution that women have made to culture and to history — but frankly, that doesn’t erase the beauty and gift that women are to the world. Yes, men are a gift as well — but they are a different kind of gift — and perhaps the best way to have a more profound appreciation for both sexes is to recognize those differences and embrace them. To be a woman is to be a creature entirely different from a man, so much so, that many a philosopher has explored the beautiful differences that go all the way down…
An Unexpected First Communion and “Becoming” Greek Orthodox — Part 2
If you haven’t read Last weeks post to understand the background and the differences between the Greek Orthodox Mass and a Roman Catholic Mass, you might want to go back and check that out. In a nutshell, we found ourselves with no Roman Catholic masses available on the Island of Santorini, but a very active Greek Orthodox church. In this scenario, a Roman Catholic is allowed and encouraged to attend the Greek Orthodox services and even to receive communion — if the Greek Orthodox priest will allow it — as we share this Sacrament in common with the Greek Orthodox. The only catch is many Greek Orthodox will not allow…
An Unexpected First Communion and “Becoming” Greek Orthodox – Part One
Okay, I guess I should say up front, that — spoiler alert — our family is still Roman Catholic, but after having spent a week and a half in Greece and experiencing their different rite of worship, we feel a kinship with them that we hadn’t before felt. Maybe I should begin by saying that the Greek Orthodox are Catholic, but they are Eastern Catholics who split from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 (not to be confused with Byzantine Rites that are Eastern Catholics who recognize the Pope), and there is a history of tension that still exists between them. This tension is over a few differences, including but…
A Family Hike to St. Anthony’s Chapel in Korčula
Remember when we used to be able to travel? That was fun, wasn’t it? Anywho it’s all going to be okay. Really, it will. In the meantime, there are plenty of adventures you can scrounge up wherever you are around the world. If you find yourself “stuck at home” this summer, finding a local shrine and creating your own family pilgrimage for the day is an awesome way to break up the regular routine and make some memories. Added bonus: it doesn’t have to cost you a penny — and just maybe, you will discover a fondness for family hikes you never knew you had. Extra bonus: it expends all…
Travel Posts To Get You Going
Hey guys, thank goodness summer is not over yet! Here is to hoping you are making the most of your last days of summer — I know I am trying to. I am getting ready for our own family adventure, so I figured I’d share some of my favorite family travel posts from the past 3 years. Hopefully, they will inspire you to start planning your own crazy family adventures. Without further ado, let’s get to it! This one is an honest and light-hearted look at the 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Family Travel. I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way, so hoping this will help the next guy…
Why We Travel With Our Kids
Summer is here and the living is easy. It’s time to start thinking about your next family adventure. Yeehaw! Don’t get me wrong. There is most definitely a time and a place for couple getaways and weekends with friends — but what if you began to see your family as the best partners in any travel adventure? Please note that I didn’t say they are the best partners in a relaxing or spa-like getaway — no, no, no — anybody who has ever traveled with a bunch of kids knows you will likely come home exhausted and ready for another vacation. So get words like “relaxation” and “spa-like” out of…
That Time We Went to Lisbon
I love to travel. I always have, and even as a child, I was always fascinated by the prospect of traveling to far off places. Fortunately, I met John — who also shares my love for travel — and we have passed that on to our kids as well. I hope that my kids will look back on all the adventures that we have had together as a family and smile about them — I sure do smile when I think back on our time together in Lisbon. Ah, Lisbon, we did not have long enough to explore it’s streets and neighborhoods. It was magical. Of all the places we…
That Time We Went to Sintra (Part 2)…Thinking on Heaven.
After reading Part 1 of “That Time We Went to Sintra”, you might be wondering why we put all the time, effort and money into making these epic family pilgrimages happen — afterall, they do tend to resemble Survivor far more than a relaxing family vacation. My simple answer is that those extreme conditions that we usually find ourselves in while on pilgrimage are actually quite good for us. They really are. They act as a great test for where we are in our spiritual lives. Those humble moments of realizing you are not behaving like the “best version of yourself” remind us that we could be a pretty awful person without…
7 Quick Takes: San Sebastián With Kids
It has been another crazy week. There has been a lot of controversy on my Facebook feed as of late, and I even went so far as to write an entire post in response to what I have been reading. Then I just wasn’t sure if it was the right tone, so I decided to throw it into my drafts folder and pull it out when I’ve had more time to think about it. Any who, I’ve decided to keep it light this week and post something very non-controversial. It just seems like the perfect time for it. How about 7 Quick Takes on San Sebastián with kids? Before I…
Barcelona: Gaudi, Failure, and Being the Light
My last post was not a very pleasant picture of Barcelona. Stolen wallets, the darkness we felt, and a close call with terrorists isn’t likely to be linked to by the Barcelona tourism board any time soon. 🙁 So it might surprise you that if asked whether or not I would recommend a visit to Barcelona, I would most definitely say it is a worthwhile place to visit. Honestly, the darker moments were really good moments for all of us. They left us with the conviction that we must try our best to be the light in the world. And let’s be honest — often our best is pretty darn…