Travel Posts To Get You Going
Hey guys, thank goodness summer is not over yet! Here is to hoping you are making the most of your last days of summer — I know I am trying to. I am getting ready for our own family adventure, so I figured I’d share some of my favorite family travel posts from the past 3 years. Hopefully, they will inspire you to start planning your own crazy family adventures. Without further ado, let’s get to it! This one is an honest and light-hearted look at the 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Family Travel. I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way, so hoping this will help the next guy…
On Pilgrimage: One Day in Fatima
Why go to all the time, effort and money to go on pilgrimage? Certainly that money could be given to the poor or spent on the many practical needs of every family — so how can a person justify the time and money spent on such a trip? Fortunately for John and I, traveling with our six kids has helped to purify our motives a bit. Let’s be honest, traveling with 6 kids for two weeks can be akin to traveling in the dessert for 40 years with the Israelites — complaining, moaning, hunger, thirst, wondering if the agony will ever end — and did I mention complaining? So, yeah,…
Close Calls, Liam Neeson & The Danger of Busy
On our recent pilgrimage to Spain, “close calls” seemed to be one of the themes of the trip. We began our trip with a close call with a terrorist attack in Barcelona. We moved on to a close call with a firecracker. There we were, watching an amazing display of fireworks in San Sebastián. I was literally turning to put my baby into our stroller when this blazing ember flew past us, hit the stroller, and proceeded to fall directly in the seat and burn a few serious holes in it! Could have done without that excitement. Then there was our last day in San Sebastián. We decided to hike up…
Fatima & Getting Schooled by My Kids
It’s been one of those weeks. I’m just holding on by a thread, but I just can’t let this day go by without commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the last apparition at Fatima. Do you ever wonder why Mary chose 3 simple children to carry her important message to the world. They were just simple shepherds — and yet, they were entrusted with a message that was vitally important for the entire world. It was a message that was also incredibly frightening — they actually witnessed Hell — and yet, she still chose children to carry that message. Why is that? Jesus’ own words seem to affirm her choice,…
7 Quick Takes: Happy Easter Edition
Happy Easter! How’s your Easter going? Mine has been really lovely — and as it’s 8 days of Easter and then still more weeks of the Easter Season — still plenty of time to celebrate Easter in the next few days and weeks. I just love that the Church gives us days and weeks to celebrate. If your whole family ends up with the stomach bug on Easter Sunday or you’re inexplicably crabby after a late night Vigil celebration, it’s consoling to know you still have plenty of time to do it up. Woot! Woot! Anyway, I had to take a breather after a very intense Triduum and Easter celebration. I’m still a bit brain-dead,…