• Favorites,  Living,  Talking

    Fun Fact: Sometimes John and I Fight a Lot

    When I decided to begin a blog, one of the goals was to be honest about my life — not because anybody would necessary care about my life — but because I think it’s nice to know you are not alone. It’s nice to know that other people struggle like you do.  Not nice like, “Hah! So happy she’s actually miserable”, but more like, “Wow, we all have our struggles, and if she can overcome them — then so can I”. That’s the kind of nice I was hoping to bring to the blogosphere. Sometimes, people will look at me and think I have things together because I can write…

  • Favorites,  Living,  Uncategorized

    Donkeys, Lent, and Holy Week

    About 20% of my spontaneous prayers begin with the words, “Lord, I am an ass”. I hope that’s not shocking or offensive — it is, after all, a biblical term — so I figure it’s an okay way to speak to God. And God knows I don’t mean to be disrespectful when I say these words  to Him — they just seem to me to be the only words that can fully express exactly how I am feeling in the moment. They are some of the truest prayers I have ever prayed.   And more often than not, I have found myself saying this prayer on a Sunday morning, as I look…