• Living,  Praying,  Traveling

    Hiking Croagh Patrick and Discovering the Real St. Patrick

    Find yourself at a typical bar or pub in America on St. Patrick’s Day, and many a person might be surprised to discover that St. Patrick was not actually a beer guzzling leprechaun. It isn’t likely to win you any friends at the pub on St. Patrick’s day — but it is a point worth making. In fact, Patrick was an amazing warrior of a man. His memory deserves to be kept alive because he had an heroic love for people that once oppressed him — and that love helped transform an entire nation of people. So go ahead, enjoy a pint or two on St. Patricks’ Day — but…

  • Living,  Talking

    Let’s Talk About Christmas Feasting and Why It Matters

    Did you know that there was a heresy in the early centuries of the Church, known as gnosticism? The Gnostics thought the human spirit was naturally good, but it was imprisoned in the body, which was naturally evil or simply an illusion. Their goal was to free the spirit from its embodied prison. Why this matters is because many of us struggle with this same heresy today. We find ourselves seeing the body as bad or evil — and spiritual things as good and in conflict with the body. It’s understandable, considering the sex-saturated, botox injected world in which we live — but the proper response to all the craziness…

  • Living

    Perfect Holiday Cocktails – Gotta Try These!

    Merry Christmas! Okay, I’m taking a break from my “break” to share a quick recipe for a delicious cranberry cocktail — you’re welcome! 🙂  These are just so perfect for this time of year that I had to share.  And hey, the cranberry juice and whole organic cranberries make this drink pretty darn close to taking your vitamins — so go for it! We made a non-alcaholic version for the kiddos.  So enjoy these with the people you love! Sparkling Cranberry Ginger Cocktails: 1 ½ cups vodka. 1 cup cranberry juice (we used Trader Joe’s unsweetened pure cranberry juice). 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice. 1 cup ginger beer or…