Let’s Talk About … Breastfeeding
Let’s talk about breastfeeding — that’s not controversial, is it? 🙁 I know that this can be a sensitive topic, and maybe this is a bad idea, but please take whatever I say in this post as just one opinion among many — I don’t want to make anybody feel bad about their own choices, especially those made in the past. Do you ever feel afraid to share your mothering tips with people because you don’t want to hurt feelings or offend? I do — but I’m more convinced than ever that we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones and share what we’ve learned. Take my own…
Florence: A Hike Before Sunrise and Finding Quality Time
“Quality time is found in the midst of quantity time” ~Deacon Randolph~ When thinking back on our trip to Florence, there is one memory that brings home the truth about quality time: it’s often found in the more ordinary moments and it can happen anywhere, at anytime, and it is the glue that holds family together. Sure — we were in Florence — and that isn’t an everyday occurrence for our family. But the memory that I am thinking about started off in a way that many family memories start out: a little conversation between husband and wife. We knew we hadn’t slept much since the beginning of our trip…
Whole 30 And Dying…
I don’t know what it is, but I feel like writing a post about food is kind of superficial — why is that? Is it a Catholic thing? A mom thing?– I don’t know. But just because some people might focus too much on their bodies, it doesn’t mean that we have to go to the other extreme and shun anything to do with our bodies, right? After all, our bodies are the way that we give and receive love, they help us to serve God, and they are intimately linked to our souls. Our bodies are temples, they are holy, they are sacred to God, and they deserve our respect. Based on all…