Dream Bigger
Full disclosure: the early years of marriage and babies weren’t always easy. In fact, I dare say they were the most challenging years of my life — but they also were the biggest years of growth for me. Coincidence? I think not. In fact those early years with babies involved a lot of pruning — the cutting back of the selfishness, the self centered-ness that I had no idea was so prevalent in my life. Am I still selfish — yep! But the subtle shift from “me” to “we” has taken root in my life. My greatest aspirations have shifted from “my dreams” to “our dreams” — both John’s and…
Is Abortion Good for Women?
Let me say this up front: If you consider yourself “pro-abortion” I still love you — and I’m guessing you think that it’s helping women — but I would ask you to examine if that’s actually true. It also should be said that if you consider yourself “pro-choice”, it’s time to ask yourself if supporting abortion is really the best thing for women. Don’t forget, though, that lives are literally in the balance of that choice — so choose well. But before you choose, consider this: Women who have abortions often experience what has been termed PAS, similar to PTSD in its symptoms and effects upon the woman. Depression, suicide,…