Travel Posts To Get You Going
Hey guys, thank goodness summer is not over yet! Here is to hoping you are making the most of your last days of summer — I know I am trying to.
I am getting ready for our own family adventure, so I figured I’d share some of my favorite family travel posts from the past 3 years.
Hopefully, they will inspire you to start planning your own crazy family adventures.

Without further ado, let’s get to it!
- This one is an honest and light-hearted look at the 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Family Travel. I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way, so hoping this will help the next guy (or girl) to get it right.
- How we learned the hard way to never, ever be vulnerable with your kids when you are on a family trip…but got even in the end. That Time We Went to Sintra
- Encounter a topless beach and only have a few minutes for a Theology of the Body Talk….here’s the post for you: Beach Struggles, Hugh Hefner, and Teaching Our Kids to Navigate a Sex-Saturated World.
- It seems our travel provides ample opportunities to examine our own Theology of the Body. Here’s that time I had to sit and stare at the backside of the David while I nursed my child — and what it taught me. Florence: What Art, Beauty and Naked Statues Have to Do With Being Catholic
- That time we thought our kids had been abducted in San Sebastian and the far more realistic danger of being too darn busy. Close Calls, Liam Neeson and the Danger of Busy
- Ah, Assisi! How I love that place! Also what to do when your travel plans go to Hell in a hand basket. The First Leg of Our Family Pilgrimage and 7 Quick Takes in Assisi
- How I discovered what it means to truly thirst at the Canonization of Mother Teresa. Pilgrim Toes, Thirst and the Canonization of Mother Teresa
- How a beautiful hike that had its dangers was a learning lesson for us all. Hiking the Cliffs of Moher (& Almost Dying Twice).
- I guess I’ll end with this moment that we were schooled by our kids in Fatima. Oh, to have the faith of a child. Fatima & Getting Schooled by My Kids
Well, hope you enjoyed it. I’ll be back next week with a regular post.
Have a great weekend.
Sharing over at Kelly’s