Trying to Make the Most of It
Hey guys, I’m about to run out the door so I can line up at a grocery store before the crowds hit. Such crazy times!
On a more positive note, I decided to go early so I can get back in time to join the rest of the family for a 3pm reconsecration of our Diocese to Mary, the Mother of God. Hooray!
It’s happening all around the country, and this is a positive move forward, in my opinion. So hope you will join in and be part of it, wherever you find yourself.
Besides that, I’ve been trying my best to take advantage of all this family time and (hopefully) make some good memories that will remain — long after this stinking virus is gone!
Make the most of it people. Don’t let all this time together as a family be spent in worry, fear or in bitterness at the way certain people are handling all of this.
Maybe this could be the beginning of carving out more time for family when all this craziness is behind us.
Maybe it could be a return to what makes life so darn beautiful in the first place — and it ain’t about jumping right back into the “rat race”. Maybe it’s time to make family the priority again and see work as something we do to pay the bills.
Maybe it’s time to stop seeking our identity in what we do and place it back on who we are in our families, our Churches and, most importantly, in the eyes of God.
Just maybe…
I shared some thoughts on appreciating the “little things” over on my Facebook and Instagram accounts, and I figured I’d share them with you over here in this little space on the internet.
Starry Night

©Modern Catholic Mom 2020
Van Gogh had his Starry Night and we have ours! Really looking forward to the next time we can fill this space with all the people we love, who are not part of our immediate family — but for now, it will be a party of 8.
The good news is that I happen to live with some of my favorite people in the entire world, so I’m not complaining.
In fact, I’m really trying to make the most of all this family time, because within a few short years some of my kids will be moving out and moving on.
If there’s one positive of all the difficulties — it’s that we have had lots of time to be together and we still all basically love each other — who knew?😂 So hooray for the gift that is our family!
At least once this quarantine, I hope you pull out the good China or the cloth napkins or throw on the party lights or just sit together and laugh — a lot.
Make sure that, along with praying over the difficult, you remember to celebrate all the good things that we so often overlook in family life.
And to my real-life friends and family whom I don’t currently live with, this little outdoor space will be waiting for you at some point in the future when all this craziness is behind us. Miss you guys!
Enjoying the little ways our kids bring so much joy to our lives.

©Modern Catholic Mom 2020
Because you never really know when you might need that sword…#beprepared 👊🏼😂. Let me tell you, this guy has been keeping us laughing during all this family time at home.
Admittedly, he has also had his moments of making us pull our hair out — but the good far outweighs the frustrating, and we are all just so dang grateful for the joy he brings the rest of us just by being himself — all day long.
So hooray for little boys who haven’t given up fighting the “bad guys” during all this craziness and hooray for my family that is basically keeping me sane (even when they are driving me crazy).
They are so darn amazing and I am so grateful to have them in my life!🙌🏻💛
Well, those are some of the thoughts I’ve been thinking this week. How about you?
Now I’m off to buy some groceries. A blessed Weekend to you!

Good one Mo….I really miss those sweet kids. I couldn’t help but think of my childhood growing up with brothers. You mentioned “fighting the bad guys” and how natural it is for little boys, but I find myself STILL FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS! Maybe it was my brothers’ lasting influence that made me that way! If so, I say thank God for their good “fighting Irish” influence! Between (certain political leaders doing a pretty awful job…specifics removed by Modern Catholic Mom so as to protect her mom from said political leaders ha, ha!), I would love to put my helmet on and take up my “sword” (my plastic spoon) and charge the enemy…(at least scare the “h” out of them), but it just doesn’t appear as “cute” when your in your 80’s! Love you guys, Mom
Dear Mom,
One of the best things about being in your 80’s is you can just speak your mind and not give a flying flip about what anybody thinks. Ha, ha. The kids and John and I miss you guys, too. If more human beings were as bothered by injustices as you are, Mom, the world would be a better place. Thanks for always fighting for what you know to be right! Love you, Moira
I really like your perspective and it’s something I’ve been working on too! I truly believe this forced reset is a step in restoring the family. God can bring good out of anything!
Amen to that, Andrea! Hooray for God, who brings good out of everything!
God bless,