Winning at Life
Spoiler Alert: This is not a “how-to” post — I am no expert at winning at life. One thing I’ve observed, though, in those truly happy people I have encountered in life seems to be the willingness to let go of control and even of one’s own plans for their life and to be open to the plans that God has for them.
It seems that those who are docile to the Holy Spirit — docile to allowing God to lead them through all the twists of life and trust Him in the midst of it — these are the people who are more disposed to not only finding joy in this life, but also to attaining their greatest hope: Happiness in Heaven with God and those who love Him.
I guess you could say winning at Life means losing at life. Basically it means dying and being buried six feet under and hopefully meeting Jesus and hearing the words, “Well done, Good and Faithful servant”.
That’s all the advice I have for you: LIVE your life so as to win eternal life in Heaven. That’s it, and what exactly that is going to look like is between you and Jesus. Each life is so unique and God has such a beautiful plan and purpose for each of us that I really don’t think any of us have any business trying to make other people live according to an exact plan.

©Modern Catholic Mom 2019
There are some basics, though, that will lead us to discovering the purpose of our lives. Number one word of advice is dedicate the first half hour or so of your day to Jesus. Spend time with Him and His WORD. Let it soak into your soul and learn to recognize His voice.
If first thing in the morning isn’t possible, then set aside some time in each day for Him.
The world can be a confusing place. Sadly, it seems it’s only growing more upside down, which is why we need to learn to recognize TRUTH and live by it!
What is actually good is deemed bad by many in our society and what is evil is touted as good. We aren’t going to make it through this life if we just go with the flow — because the “flow” of the world is leading us further away from God, not towards Him.
We must be a thinking people and we must be a praying people.
Seriously, look at an event like the March for Life happening just a few days ago. Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children marching for the dignity of every human person — what could possibly be wrong about that?
But if you see any mention of it in the mainstream media or our current administration, you will likely observe that they will label this beautiful witness to the sanctity of all life as being “anti-choice”; those in attendance will be deemed misogynists and haters who are opposed to women’s health care and stuck in the middle ages.
The rightness of the belief that the mother, father and unborn baby are equal in dignity and worth and we as a nation ought to preserve all life, to do no harm and to help all human beings to achieve their God-given purpose in this life will be judged by many in control of the media as narrow-minded and anti-woman.
This witness to the sanctity and beauty of every life will not be acknowledged by most in power in our nation — and that is a shame, because I promise you those people Marching for Life don’t hate mothers in a crisis pregnancy and they don’t only care about babies.
They love them both equally and they want all women to live their lives to the fullest, but they also know that a woman’s heart will never be at peace with the decision to take her own babies life — not unless she opens her heart to the healing of Christ — and this message of love and forgiveness is one of the most beautiful aspects of those that March for Life that you will never see highlighted in the media.

The world isn’t going to paint an accurate picture of those who are “Pro-Life”, but we just have to keep loving the mothers and fathers and their babies — despite the negative twist the media or others will put on it.
We can’t remain silent. We must speak up for those who have no voice and even for the mothers in a desperate situation who feel there is no way out.
So let’s pray for all the women and men and babies who will be hurt today by Abortion. Let’s fast for an end to abortion and so that we might be more open to the ways God wants us to respond to the lies and sadness of our day.
Let us fast and pray for an end to all the lies that are enslaving women and stripping them of their joy and peace and happiness.
Let’s do our part to love women in crisis and to help them to find Jesus and everything they need to CHOOSE LIFE for their baby.
If anybody reading this has had an abortion, please know there is hope and healing for you and God wants a beautiful reconciliation for you and your baby at the end of your life! So don’t despair. Seek out the healing of the Church. It is there for you and I hope you know that there are millions of us praying for you and cheering you on, because we love you and want you to be truly happy in Christ!
For those who have never thought to reach out and pray for those who believe differently on this matter of life, let’s begin to pray for them and maybe even have the awkward conversations that need to be had on this issue.
Let’s pray that God touch their hearts and heal their wounds and help them to change their minds on this great attack on the dignity of the human person, happening throughout our world. Let’s never give up hope on anybody!
For those who love God, the best is yet to come! Onwards!

Another great post! I am always so excited when I see your emails in my in-box.
A really great resource for anyone who wants to have those difficult conversations but maybe doesn’t know how is “What to Say When.” It really helped me, and hopefully someone else will find it useful as well.
Murphy, thank you for that encouragement and so happy it was an encouragement to you to have those conversations that aren’t always easy, but necessary! God bless you!
Sage advice and to you I say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
I love you, Megan
Well, thank you for your vote of confidence 😊… though I think I have a few things I need to work out before I hear those words…😉