• Living

    David Harburg, Daring to Dream

    David Harburg is daring to dream.  He’s putting on a concert to raise $11,000 to restore a vocational school in Kyakatara, Uganda. I have to say, it’s refreshing to find somebody whose “dreams” include putting their gifts at the service of helping those in need.  This is all the more reason why we just have to help him reach his goal! The story of how he got here, is an interesting one.  It began somewhere over the rainbow — quite literally. David is the great grandson of Yip Harburg, probably most famous for his song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.  Yip Harburg was friends with the likes of Ira Gershwin and…

  • Living,  Talking

    Children Waiting Everywhere: Living Simply So Others Might Simply Live

    There was a recent in-depth study on giving, and it found that those who give to others are actually much happier than those who just spend money on themselves. Of course, we shouldn’t give to others in order to be “happy” — but there’s no denying that one of the “side-effects” of generosity is happiness. The truth is, when we live according to how we’ve been created — we experience greater happiness — and this study supports what Christians have known for centuries: we were created to give ourselves to others. This call to generosity is clearly conveyed by Jesus in Matthew 25.  It is a call to conversion — to cut unhealthy ties to…