9 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving for An End to Corona Virus
So I’ve had a lot of time to think as I’ve been painting some walls in my house (#oraetlabora keeping me sane during quarantine) and I had an idea — and I’m really hoping you will join me!
This is the idea: Starting today, what if you and I started 9 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving for an end to the Corona Virus?
You don’t have to be Catholic or even a Christian to join in. In fact, my guess is if you’re not, that your prayers will touch the heart of the Father just as much as mine do — maybe even more, because you’re taking a bigger leap of faith here!
I also realize that many of us are already in the midst of Lent and we may already be doing many of those things — but let’s be honest, all this quarantine time has likely led to relaxing of some of them, which is totally fine and maybe necessary — but what if we took it up one notch in the last nine days of Lent?
What if we offered all of it to God the Father in Heaven for an end to the Corona Virus?
For those of us who want to do more for an end to Corona, what if we would do one thing each day for that specific intention — and it doesn’t have to be big, it could simply be a “Father in Heaven, please squash this Corona Virus!” prayed from the heart.
More details over on my Facebook and Instagram pages. Please join in over there! Also, my “stories” in both of those pages will add some more thoughts along the way.
By the way, I must admit that while I was standing on a ladder thinking about all these things, the thought occurred to me “What good would it do?” and I almost gave up right then and there.
But then I thought, sure I am one small little person in a world of billions — but what if YOU joined me and you asked your family and friends to JOIN YOU and all of a sudden there were lots of us doing this?
I hope you’ll let me know you’re joining in — it would help me to know I’m totally crazy here.
Here’s how it will work, each day I’ll give three little suggestions for you. I promise they will be small, doable things – or offer up what you’re already doing for an end to Corona.
I’ll also add some challenges for those who want to add to their sacrifices and really stand at the feet of the cross and beg God for His mercy — because Lord knows, we need it!
So that’s it. Instead of sitting around our houses we CAN BE DOING SOMETHING to save lives and I really believe our small efforts will make a difference.
If you believe in the power of prayer and sacrifice — or even if you’re willing to just give it a try — join in and do what you can to help end the Corona Virus!
Let’s turn back to God with all of our hearts and beg him to end this awful virus.
Maybe you are wondering what good will 9 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving do? I have no idea, but I’m stepping out in faith here and really hope you’ll join me! What do we have to lose?
So will you join me? Pretty please!
It begins today and ends on Holy Saturday. Let’s pray for the poetry of an Easter without the Corona Virus!

So I had an idea, and I hope you will join me.. that’s community spread of an idea – and quite a challenge to put into practice. I cannot fast for two consecutive days – one day of fasting takes a lot out of me. But you are still a little ferverino – pardon this description from your fat big brother.
Your posted your idea on the anniversary of St. John Paul II, so “Be not afraid!” And as an act of mercy, give yourself a little food – you cannot eat like a bird for nine days. However, you may fly upwards to God by praying and practicing the three biblical ways towards freedom of spirit – praying, fasting, and almsgiving!
“ferverino” …I’m going to have to look that up…I had no idea it was JPII’s anniversary( of his death I presume?). That’s pretty cool. Don’t worry I’ll be doing other things besides fasting from food everyday! We’re almost through Lent and then there will be feasting (Quarantine or not)!
Great idea! Will share with my friends…so what else do we have to do! Love you!