Is Abortion Good for Women?
Let me say this up front: If you consider yourself “pro-abortion” I still love you — and I’m guessing you think that it’s helping women — but I would ask you to examine if that’s actually true.
It also should be said that if you consider yourself “pro-choice”, it’s time to ask yourself if supporting abortion is really the best thing for women.
Don’t forget, though, that lives are literally in the balance of that choice — so choose well.
But before you choose, consider this: Women who have abortions often experience what has been termed PAS, similar to PTSD in its symptoms and effects upon the woman.
Depression, suicide, self-harming, self-loathing and increased drug abuse to name a few of the after-effects of abortion on the life of a woman.
Infertility and death have also resulted from legal abortions in America — so don’t just assume it’s always a “safe” procedure that women will recover from.
There is also no denying the link between Abortion and Breast Cancer, and the younger you are when you’ve had your first abortion, the greater your chances are to get breast cancer.
Not to mention the fact, that the birth control pill — often used between abortions or to avoid pregnancy in the first place — is a type 1 carcinogen.
The birth control pill is right up there with asbestos, people.
What the hell are we doing to our young women? Better yet, what hell are we subjecting them to in the name of “freedom”?

Why do women always have to suffer the consequences of a culture that tries to separate sex from babies?
I know really good men and women who consider themselves “pro-choice” and I truly believe they want what is best for women — but killing an innocent child can not possibly be what is best for women and society.
Why are women so often left alone in the abortion clinic to do the deed — feeling as if they have no other choice and no other support to bring this baby to term?
How dare we force-feed them pills that are damaging their health and package them as “healthcare” because we know there is no other way to sustain a culture that wants sex without consequences!
Only there are consequences — drastic life-long consequences and the woman bears the brunt of those consequences.
Ponder for one minute the irony of a women working diligently to eat “clean”, carefully avoiding hormones in her milk and meat, then turning around and popping a cancer-causing hormone pill in her mouth — every single day!
There is also a lot of research surfacing on the negative effects of the pill on the brain of a woman, as well. It’s scary stuff.
So please don’t tell me that this is part of a woman’s health! I see no positives for a woman when she chooses an abortion or tries to avoid pregnancy by taking the birth control pill.
You may be wondering why I am linking the birth control pill so closely to abortion? It’s because they are often the same thing.
You may not be aware, but the birth control pill doesn’t always stop conception — sometimes it will cause the abortion of a healthy child by making the lining of the mother’s uterus “unhealthy and inhospitable”.

The link between the birth control pill and abortion is undeniable. How many babies will a woman abort after 10 years of the pill, it is hard to know.
We need to stop the insanity.
It’s time we acknowledge the undeniable truth that the birth control pill and abortion are bad for women.
Recently, actress Michelle Williams implied she couldn’t possibly have received the Golden Globe she held in her hands, without having had an abortion.
First of all, why she was speaking about this silly award like it was the Noble Peace Prize?
No offense meant, but she basically pretends to be somebody else for a living. It’s wonderfully entertaining — but it’s not like she came up with the cure for cancer after hiding away in a lab for years of her life.
It would be almost comical, if it weren’t for the fact that she exchanged her own baby’s life for a few minutes of praise and a stupid tin prize. God bless her!
Frankly she sold herself and women way short with her speech. As if a woman can’t have a baby and be an actress?
Come on, now!
Perhaps even worse, Williams envisions a society with abortion-on-demand for any reason as somehow more reflective of a woman’s influence on it.
Again, I say really?
To be honest, it’s the Harvey Weinstein’s of the world who benefit most from abortion — it’s about saving their child-support dollars, getting rid of the “evidence” and being free to go out and use the next gal, scot-free.

The Weinstein’s of the world are the first to tout “a woman’s right to choose”. It serves them quite well.
Well, them and Planned Parenthood — which is basically a multi-billion dollar business that sells abortions.
Don’t kid yourself on their altruism — it’s about saving their butts, their child support dollars and the bottom dollar, baby.
Which is why it’s time for women of good will to stand up and say, “No. No more.”
Part of the greatness of women has always been their desire to fight for the poor, the vulnerable and the underprivileged.
Why ever would we betray that greatness in us by taking the life of an innocent child in our womb?
I believe in the Feminine Genius. I believe women are way stronger and more resilient than they know.
I believe that women can overcome incredible obstacles and inconveniences to be successful — and I believe they can do all of these things without causing harm to another.
We are better than that. We are stronger than that. We were made for so much more than that.
I hope one day, people who really want to help women will see eye to eye on protecting the baby in the womb, because killing a baby can never be the answer to our problems — it will only make them worse.
I hope one day we will live in a society that cherishes our children and welcomes them into our lives — even when inconvenient — and allows our hopes and dreams to grow bigger, so our children can fit into them.
If our children are incompatible with our dreams, then maybe we need to dream bigger! Think bigger!
Women, be who you were created to be and you will set the world ablaze!
I believe in you and I believe you have a very important place in creating a society that welcomes all people, cherishes all people and respects all people, no matter how small!
To read more on some of the negative effects of abortion, start here.
For more details on the abortion, breast cancer link, start here.

Amy in Oregon
Absolutely!!! So well said! Thank You for being so bold!
Thank you Amy!
Happy to do it…sometimes you just have to write these things and hit “publish” 🙂