Living,  Talking

How a Meal Can Change Everything

Did you know that a single meal has the power to change everything — literally EVERYTHING!

How else would you describe that Last Supper in which the priesthood was established, and the Savior of the world gave his last words of encouragement and instruction, before He would be ransomed for our sins?

That one meal changed everything — and did you know that, in our participation in the Sacred Meal at every Mass, Jesus is still working to transform us.

Which is why I think we greatly underestimate the power of a meal.

Beyond that Sacred Meal, though, there is another type of transformation that happens when friends and family gather around a table and share a meal.

Don’t underestimate the power of a simple meal shared with others.
©Modern Catholic Mom

A meal shared in common is a wonderfully powerful thing — beyond our understanding — which is why I believe we need to bring the art of a shared meal back into common practice.

Especially now – especially with all the arguments over politics and religion and viruses, and whatever else is trending on Twitter (Lord, have mercy!) — we need to rediscover that love we have for those who think differently than us.

I might not like you on Facebook and you might not like me there, either, but darn it, I bet you we’d like each other well enough if we just gave each other a chance to discuss our differences over a shared meal and a glass of wine.

What better backdrop for discussions about the things that really matter — for true growth in fondness and friendship — than a family meal?

Speaking of that, have you ever sat at a meal that you wished would never end?

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. 🙂
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

Last summer our family had one: a simple meal, in a small boat, surrounded by my family and a new found friend, Frano!

Frano was amazing, and big bonus, he was a redhead! Hooray! He fit right into our family.

A few months before our trip to Croatia, we discovered a private little boat rental company offering trips off of Korcula, a family meal included and, of course, we jumped at it.

So glad we did! It was amazing!

I mean, come on, the views were amazing!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019
Never experienced a more serene swim in crystal clear waters in my life!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

It was one of those perfect days and perfect meals — perfect on so many levels.

We were all together, laughter and adventure abounded, we had THE MOST AMAZING host who showed us some of the most beautiful spots we’ve ever been blessed to see and experience.

We discovered hidden islands, learned to paddleboard in crystal clear waters, watched a beautiful sun set — and ate delicous food to our hearts content — it was pretty perfect.

Take me back!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019
Acquiring some new skills.
©Modern Catholic Mom
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

What does all of this have to do with the importance of the family meal? Plenty!

A meal isn’t meant to be about stuffing calories down our throats as quickly as possible so we can survive.

God didn’t need to make the human person have to eat to survive — but He chose to make us that way, and maybe it’s because we needed to slow down and experience real community.

He also didn’t need to make food taste so darn amazing, but thank goodness, He did that, too!

That simple meal reminded me of something we all need to be reminded of from time to time — as human beings we NEED to slow down, eat good food and just allow ourselves to BE with our family and friends.

It is in the slowing down that we can truly discover our humanity.
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

But it was also a reminder of the importance of bringing people into your family to experience your family meal, too.

I must admit I was nervous to imagine a total stranger join us for a 5 hour trip in a very small boat.

It was nerve-wracking wondering if this person would be respectful of our family — or would it just be, AWKWARD?

I guess you could say there were some risks involved — as there are always risks in inviting people into our lives — but I am happy to say we discovered something we have discovered all around the world with our kids.

We discovered anamazingly kind, man — and the perfect companion to help us navigate our way to some of the most beautiful places we’ve even been.

There’s Frano cooking up our meal. You could taste the love in every bite!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

As we sat down to our meal, Frano took off his hat and joined us in our prayer.

We didn’t skip over the prayer — we didn’t want to make Frano uncomfortable — but it’s WHAT WE DO before we eat.

Imagine our surprise when he made the sign of the cross and said the words with us. It was one of those sweet moments we would have missed if we were shy about who we are as a family.

All of a sudden, Frano wasn’t a nice guy driving us around, he WAS FAMILY, TOO.

And then we ate — oh boy, did we EAT! So good!

Still dreaming of the most delicious sea bass ever!
©Modern Catholic Mom

It was everything the best of meals should be.

A meal in its purest form is meant to be about an experience of slowing down, letting conversation happen naturally, allowing the beauty of the moment and the surroundings to settle into our souls, and allowing true fellowship to take place in an intimate setting.

More than that the best meals are a revealing of ourselves to another.

Yes, sometimes they might even be a revealing of differing opinions that are hashed out in between courses — but those conversations need to be given room to happen!

Now more than ever, learning to honestly share our different points of views in a respectful way is a dying art form.

We need to bring it back.

Civil discussions can be hard to find, but we must find them and seek to make them possible! ©Modern Catholic Mom 2019

If we lose civil discussions about the things that matter most, we will lose civility with it.

Believe it or not, our kids have best learned to discuss and disagree and logically present their “case” during our family meals throughout the years.

We need to create environments where broad conversations can take place and people can still find love in their hearts for those they disagree with.

Most of all, a meal should be about accepting the people gathered around the table — flaws and all — and loving them because they were created good by a loving Father in Heaven and they have unparalleled value in the world.

So let’s bring back the family meal! Let’s bring back the love and the acceptance of our family members. Let’s bring back the deep, intimate conversations that really matter.

In many ways, THE BEST OF MEALS are a mere reflection of the beauty of that final MEAL that will never end, the wedding feast of the Lamb!

Hooray for the prospect of Heaven!

In the meantime, find those moments to just BE with the people you love, enjoy food, break bread, maybe throw some wine in and allow the meal to transform you and your relationships — and for the better!

Go out and find those moments to Just BE with people, to enjoy a meal and let it change you!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2019


  • Julie

    Love this! So true. I think one of the blessings over these last several months was to have the family home to eat together! My parents added a bit at the end of grace which my family still says today…”Holy Family, pray for us, oh my Jesus I love you.”
    Thanks Moira for your continued encouragement!

  • Megan

    Great point, Moira! My dining room turned into the “hoarders“ room when we started doing projects on the house. About 6 months ago, I realized how important it is to get that space back and establish a spot we all fit at and can share. Those meals are so good for the soul..even the mundane day to day ones. At least we check in every day…love you, Megan

    • Moira

      Yes, your home is so lovely and everybody always feels AT HOME there — but reclaiming that dining room will only add to the feeling of belonging. Like you said, it’s a space to touch base and reconnect after the days work is done! Love ya!

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