Pray, Hope, Don’t Worry….And Wash Your Hands, too
For what it’s worth, I figured I’d share some of my thoughts on the Corona Virus. But firsts, the facts. Here’s a link to some of the latest facts about the Corona Virus in the US. I don’t know about you, but this is not being reflected in the craziness that is filling the headlines. Having said that, this should be taken seriously. We should actively try to slow the spread so the critical cases can be taken care of and lives saved. So, yes, let’s think of the vulnerable around us and wash our hands and stay home if we’re sick or if quarantines happen — but let’s not…
Fear is Useless; What is Needed is Trust
Today is the day I have to get all our financials together for our accountant. It’s honestly my least favorite thing about having a family business — but at least, it’s Lent and this is the perfect time of year to have to deal with it. So no post today, but I did want to encourage all of you who find yourself afraid of all the talk about Corona Virus to take a step away from all the news for a while. Instead, immerse yourself in the Word. The title of this post is taken from one of the translations of Luke 8:50: “Fear is Useless. What is needed is…
Talking to Your Kids About Sex
A number of years ago, I was asked to testify before Congress on the issue of abstinence education. I guess you could say it was because I had “survived” the sexual experiment that so many kids my age had been subjected to — in our schools and in the media we consumed. I guess you could say I had “survived” all the obvious (and not-so-obvious) messages pushing kids my age into the world of “safe sex” — whatever that was — to the detriment of our hearts, minds, souls and bodies, too. I was one of the 90210, Dawsons Creek, Friends generation of kids that didn’t actually buy what they…
Thirsting For Lent
Whether or not we know it, we are all thirsting for Christ. Even more amazing is that — despite our sinfulness or brokenness — Christ is thirsting for us, too. This photo below was taken in 2016 at the Canonization of Mother Teresa. I guess you could say she’s one of my heroes. Perhaps more than anybody else in recent years, Mother Teresa recognized that thirst in all of us. She recognized it, because she felt it more keenly than most. In every chapel of every convent that Mother Teresa established, she wrote 2 words over the main crucifix: “I thirst”. They were some of the last words Jesus spoke…
Off to Watch Some Basketball
Hello everybody! Thanks for stopping by. I’m off to watch my kids play some basketball this weekend, so no post this week. I’ll be back next week, but stop by my Facebook or Instagram accounts to hear about how John and I first met. Happy Valentines to you!
When Beauty Broke Through
“Beauty will save the world” Fyodor Dostoevsky This is a story that didn’t begin so well. It begins with a family of 8 on a bus, weaving around narrow highways to reach the top of a mountain. Don’t get me wrong. The views were fantastic, and it was the only way to get to the top of this mountain without paying an arm and a leg for a 5 minute cable car ride. But I happened to be in the front of the bus with the little guy and the rest of my family was in back — growing ever more nauseous as the bus twisted and turned around the…
Fighting the Culture of Busy
We are just all so busy — so very busy — and I feel like so many of us are trying to prove our value but what we do in a day. The busier we are — the more important we may feel. And there’s nothing wrong with trying to fill our day with doing good things — but “busy-ness” doesn’t necessarily translate to doing good things in the world. In fact, if we allow ourselves to get too busy — we will quickly begin to lose sight of our humanity and the humanity of the people around us — until our activity just becomes a mindless, pointless distraction from…
To Be Pro-Life is To Love Those Who Have Chosen Abortion
I write this on the morning of the 47th Annual March for Life. Three of my own kids are in attendance and they’ll join likely half a million other people for the largest human rights demonstration in the world. In this increasingly divisive, politically-charged, climate that we find ourselves in, I think that it’s important that we all remember that being pro-life is not about politics — it’s about people — and it always has been. In fact, if you go to the March for Life — you will not find condemnation for those who have had abortions. You will find love — and lots of it! But a regular…
Dream Bigger
Full disclosure: the early years of marriage and babies weren’t always easy. In fact, I dare say they were the most challenging years of my life — but they also were the biggest years of growth for me. Coincidence? I think not. In fact those early years with babies involved a lot of pruning — the cutting back of the selfishness, the self centered-ness that I had no idea was so prevalent in my life. Am I still selfish — yep! But the subtle shift from “me” to “we” has taken root in my life. My greatest aspirations have shifted from “my dreams” to “our dreams” — both John’s and…
Is Abortion Good for Women?
Let me say this up front: If you consider yourself “pro-abortion” I still love you — and I’m guessing you think that it’s helping women — but I would ask you to examine if that’s actually true. It also should be said that if you consider yourself “pro-choice”, it’s time to ask yourself if supporting abortion is really the best thing for women. Don’t forget, though, that lives are literally in the balance of that choice — so choose well. But before you choose, consider this: Women who have abortions often experience what has been termed PAS, similar to PTSD in its symptoms and effects upon the woman. Depression, suicide,…