• Living,  Momming

    Clutter, Clutter, Clutter

    This past weekend we participated in a beautiful Corpus Christi presentation. It was a lovely, prayerful procession — a great reminder of Christ’s promise that He would be with us always, until the end of the world.  He was with us — and it was beautiful. It reminded me of the beauty of our faith.  All the “smells and bells” of Catholicism, the procession, the people, the church building itself — they’re incredibly important. God made the physical world good, and He has redeemed it through His presence. This is especially true in the Eucharist:  simple bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God.  Amazing! And after…

  • Living,  Momming

    Helping Our Kids Encounter Beauty

    In last week’s post, Beauty Will Save the World.  I shared why Beauty is the antidote to all the evil and ugly in our world. This week is more about the “how” to bring beauty into the lives of your kids on the daily.  It will look different in every family, but I always appreciate seeing other peoples approaches to things that matter.  Hopefully you do too! Without further ado, I offer you my 7 suggestions for helping kids to encounter beauty. ~1~ Is it Bad to Shelter Your Kids? Right up front I’d like to respond to two objections I hear out there in the world.  The first is…

  • Favorites,  Living,  Talking

    Beauty Will Save the World

    “Beauty will save the world.” F. DOSTOYEVSKY, The Idiot   Recently I found myself sitting in a faculty concert of some amazing musicians — it was such a gift. I just sat there and was transported to another place — a beautiful place.  I found myself being overwhelmed by beauty — in a good way. It was a good moment — a series of good moments, really. It restored my mind and soul after a hectic week. It reminded me of the importance of beauty. Beauty — it’s important.  It can lift a soul out of the depths of despair.  It can satisfy our deepest desires in this life. It’s a foretaste of Heaven, and…

  • Living,  Momming

    7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer

    Summer is quickly approach.  Yay for summer! I just love summer — I never want it to end — and if you’re anything like me, you want to make the absolute most of it. I was tempted to say summer “break” — but let’s be honest, life still keeps moving around us at a pretty hectic pace during the summer.  Might as well leave “break” out of our vocabulary, or you might end up quite disappointed with your summer. The pace is definitely slower in the summer — but I have learned through the years that a complete shut down ends up in a disastrous beginning to my school year. For…

  • Favorites,  Living,  Momming,  NFP'ing

    Dream Big. A.K.A… Life Doesn’t End With Kids

    Before I was married, I travelled the country talking to kids about chastity. The year before I took on this crazy “job”, it wasn’t even on my radar as a possibility. I had thoughts of traveling as a missionary one day, but never in a million years did “Chastity Promoter” come to my mind. A funny thing happens when you start to seek out what God is asking of you, these things you never even dreamed of start to rise up in your thoughts — and desires you never imagined begin to surface in your heart. Honestly, my greatest advice before you pray the prayer, “Lord, what do you want of me?” is to buckle up —…

  • Living

    Moths, Momming, and Storing Up Treasure in Heaven

    As some of you know, I am trying to make Sunday mornings a little less stressful by leaving for Church on time — it’s going as well as could be expected.  Trying to be patient with myself, because old habits die hard. 🙁 For the past few months, one of the causes of  starting off on the wrong foot on a Sunday morning (besides my poor planning) has involved throwing on one of my go-to sweaters for Sunday Mass — only to realize that there was a very noticeable hole in it. 🙁 At first, I didn’t think much of it — I didn’t have time to think about it — but after a few Sunday’s of finding holes…

  • Living,  Momming

    Fostering Independence in Our Kids

    This week, family is in town and we are getting ready for my oldest son’s Confirmation — Come Holy Spirit! As an aside, May is always crazy — why is that?  It’s chocked full of really, really good things — it’s just too many good things for me to process while maintaining my sanity at the same time.  🙁  Wish me luck! I prepared a talk for a parents’ discussion a few weeks back, Ways to Foster Independence in Your Kids. Anyway, the talk was cancelled because of scheduling conflicts, but I figured I’d share my thoughts with you because it’s really worth thinking about. If you have read any of my previous posts, you know…

  • Living,  Momming,  Talking

    Video Games and Guardian Angels

    Video Games. Don’t you just hate them — or maybe you love them — whatever the case may be, video games are something every parents needs to think about at least once in their life. More likely than not, if you have a few kids, the subject will come up regularly — so might as well take a moment to think about it now — because this is important stuff, people! Recently our son went on a mandatory two week hiatus from video games.  A funny thing happens when you let your kids “get bored” — they actually  find lots of creative things to do with all that free time. At first he complained about it, but eventually…

  • Living

    7 Quick Takes: Happy Easter Edition

    Happy Easter!  How’s your Easter going?  Mine has been really lovely — and as it’s 8 days of Easter and then still more weeks of the Easter Season — still plenty of time to celebrate Easter in the next few days and weeks. I just love that the Church gives us days and weeks to celebrate.  If your whole family ends up with the stomach bug on Easter Sunday or you’re inexplicably crabby after a late night Vigil celebration, it’s consoling to know  you still have plenty of time to do it up.  Woot! Woot! Anyway, I had to take a breather after a very intense Triduum and Easter celebration.  I’m still a bit brain-dead,…

  • Living,  Uncategorized

    Donkeys, Lent, and Holy Week (Part 2)

    Yesterday I shared a little bit about a prayer that I find myself praying on a regular basis. The prayer goes a little bit like, “Lord I’m an ass — but please let me be the ass that carries you into Jerusalem.” To understand where the inspiration for this prayer came from, read more about it here. But there is a part two to the story of the donkey.  I have always been puzzled by that second donkey in the scripture, “Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.” Matt 21:5 KJV. I was always bewildered by the concept of…