Reasons to Remain Incredibly Hopeful (No Matter What Hits the Fan)
Happy Easter, everybody!
Well, admittedly the past two posts have been a bit more feisty and “current-eventy” than I aim to be in my posts. I really try to avoid stirring the pot for just the sake of stirring the pot, but there is a time to remain silent and a time to speak.
I guess knowing when to remain silent and when to speak comes down to wisdom — and wisdom comes from God alone — so it can be confusing to know the difference.
Frankly, it’s way more difficult for me to be silent when I think of all the people being harmed by the lies being pushed on us in our culture right now — the mamma bear in me wants to defend the truth — especially when kids are being harmed in the process.
I pray a lot about this very thing, “Lord, I don’t want to fight and attack — unless you are asking me to do so — so let me know what you want me to do with all of the mess before us.” Seriously, those are the simple prayers I pray a lot.
Especially when I had all littles, I knew that I had to step back from news and current events and just focus on God, John and my kids, and the people around me. I still believe that to a great extent — that we must focus on our own little spheres of influence and do the good that we can do — but as of late, the struggle has been recognizing that if we Christians are only on the defensive, we will slowly lose all ground and we’ll have nothing left to give to our kids and grandkids.
So we must fight, but how and where and to what extent are questions we all have to bring to prayer. I know that I am doing that, and I hope that you are, too — because we can’t just give up and think we can protect our kids and families from the insanity by hiding away.
I have always been struck by the Book of Esther, where Mordecai goes to Queen Esther — a pretty powerful position to be, but precarious at the same time — and tells her that she must do something to protect the Jewish people, of which she was a member.
Mordecai sent her a letter as persecution of the Jews was ramping up throughout the entire kingdom, and he called her out a bit, “Think not that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s house will perish.”
Dang, that Mordecai was a prophet and a straight-talker. I like that about him!
But he doesn’t condemn Esther for her fears to speak up. Rather, he asks her a question that has been immortalized in coffee mugs and t-shirts and, no doubt, you’ve heard it somewhere along the way,
“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14

He encouraged her to see her position of “power” as a means to serve the purposes of God, not her own. He encouraged Esther to face her fears and do what God was asking her to do.
We all need a Mordecai in our life, don’t we? Somebody not afraid to say the truth in love seems to be growing more and more rare in the days we find ourselves, isn’t it?
I mean, you might find somebody willing to say the truth, but not necessarily in love. Truth is a sword, yes, but that doesn’t mean we take that truth and smack it over somebody’s head, does it? It seems that the truth spoken in pride or arrogance or hatred will not bear any fruit, will it?
Which is why we must pray a lot and beg God to give us love for our enemies — and in that way, we can speak the truth in love — and just maybe we will help bring them back to the truth, too.
In the same manner, it isn’t loving to remain silent when you see lies and half-truths being disseminated throughout the culture in a way that is harming kids and ultimately everybody — that’s not being meek — that’s being a coward, and a Christian is called to speak the truth in love and courage.
So where is the “sweet spot” that place of being bold and courageous, loving, prudent and wise? Honestly, I don’t know.
I’m just trying to figure it all out myself, but I do know this — that “sweet spot” is going to be uncomfortable. Sometimes you will make mistakes and you’ll feel like a complete ass, in the biblical sense, of course. Ha, ha!
Been there, done that — and most definitely will do it again — but we were not made for comfort, we were made for greatness, and that greatness comes in being willing to be like that little ass that brought Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
We’re not perfect beings, we’re human — and we just need to get over our pride and accept that we will make mistakes, and when we do, we ought to apologize (confession might be in order, to) and then jump right back into trying to be that Saint God created you and me to be.
That’s it. It’s a humble path and we’re only going to know exactly which path to take if we are praying, every single day.
The good news is that this path is beautiful and it will introduce you to amazing men, women and children who will keep you laughing and give you the encouragement you need to dust yourself off and try again when you fail.
The good news is you will find a hope that begins to well up in your soul that can not be crushed by infirmity or setbacks or any difficulties that come your way.
To be a Christian is an adventure, and it is to life life to the fullest — so don’t be afraid to go for it — you will never regret giving Jesus your all!
Stay close to Jesus and you will have nothing to fear. You will be able to look evil straight in the eye and say, “Is that all you got?”. You will be victorious in Him.
Never lose hope in the ultimate victory, that has already been won.
All you need to do is say “yes!” to what God is asking of you today and everyday. I promise it will be a great adventure, indeed! So, I hope you say “yes” and then buckle up because life is going to get very interesting!
I’m going to keep trying over here, and I hope you will keep trying where you are, too .
With God at our side, we have NOTHING to fear and EVERYTHING to gain — life everlasting in complete and utter happiness — what could be more hopeful than that?
Got to run. See you soon!

I’ll be praying with you. Love you, Megan
Right there with you, Megan!
Beautifully written and perfectly on point. You do a great job speaking up and turning others to the Truth. “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”St. JPII