Living,  Talking

End Human Trafficking Now

Yesterday was Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Maybe you’re like me and are sickened by human trafficking — but don’t know where to begin.

This post is for you.

A group I found on Instagram making a difference and helping victims of human trafficking.

I just have to say this up front — especially to all the mamas out there — you do not have to go down the rabbit hole of all the sordid details involving human trafficking to make a huge difference in the fight against human trafficking.

So know your heart.

I know myself well enough to know that I can’t read too many details — especially when it comes to child trafficking — I know it’s an evil straight out of the pit of Hell.

No need to convince me of that.

I’ve done my initial research and am aware of the problem and causes — but I know I can’t go too deep into the details. I know I need to protect my heart and soul so I can be present and loving to my own kids. Maybe you are the same?

So, I won’t be sharing sordid details in this post. I want to protect the mamas hearts out there.

If you want to know more, there are many online resources, but here’s some quick facts:

  1. It’s estimated there are 20 to 40 million people in slavery around the world today.
  2. Human trafficking earns global profits of roughly $150 billion a year, the majority of that in sexual exploitation.
  3. Only about .04% of victims are ever identified. Most go unnamed.
  4. 71% of victims are women and girls.
  5. In 2018, over half the cases in US involved sex trafficking of children — many were part of the foster care system.
  6. There is a growing trend of traffickers using online social media platforms to recruit and advertise.
  7. There is a huge correlation between the rise of porn and the growth of human trafficking.

The good news is there are a number of things you can do to help end human trafficking.

The first and most effective way we can end human trafficking — is to stop looking at or supporting pornography in any way and help those who face porn addiction.

I know this may surprise people, but it’s literally that simple. People who say their porn addiction isn’t hurting others need to take a long, hard look at human trafficking.

The rise in pornography is in direct correlation with human trafficking and — in fact — they are both part of the same industry.

We’re talking billions of dollars in profit that is feeding and creating a powerful network in which victims are rarely identified and perpetrators go unpunished.

Trying to end human trafficking without addressing the problem of porn is like trying to put a bandaid on a major head wound.

If you indulge in porn, then you support human trafficking. Which is why, if you are facing an addiction, it’s time to go to confession and get help.

Here’s an amazing resource for men. A FREE PROGRAM created by Matt Fradd and Covenant Eyes, called Strive 21. 21 days to freedom from addiction. Word has it they are working on a program for women.

Porn is the #1 cause of human trafficking. Time to face facts!

Second step in ending human trafficking is identifying groups that are dedicated to helping rescue and rehabilitate victims of human trafficking and supporting them financially or volunteer.

Children of the Immaculate Heart out of San Diego is a group I discovered and already mentioned. You can find them online.

They are creating homes for victims who have become mothers in the process. They are also working on a home environment for children saved from human trafficking.

There are many local crisis pregnancy centers doing the same. Learn to identify the signs and get involved locally!

If you don’t have time, offer your prayers and financial support to those who have dedicated their lives to this worthwhile cause.

Third step is something all of us can do every day of our lives. End human trafficking by learning Theology of the Body, living that truth in your own life and sharing that truth with others.

You may think that it doesn’t matter but it does matter very much!

Living the Theology of the Body changes the way we look at sex and helps prevent addiction to porn — and in so doing, it helps to cut off funds to the billion dollar porn industry that has enabled and increased the need for human trafficking.

Fourth step in ending human trafficking is to love your children and/or step in to love those children who are at risk.

Maybe God is even calling you to be a foster parent or to adopt — to create a stable, loving environment for a child at risk.

Believe it or not, much of child trafficking is from somebody the child knows or has been introduced to through online resources.

Often, because a child doesn’t feel loved in their own homes, they begin to look outside of their home for love and approval.

So don’t underestimate the importance of being present in your own children’s lives and being a loving influence on those who need to know how desperately God loves them.

No child is a mistake. Every child is a gift.

The biggest lie the abortion industry ever told us was that, if we legalized abortion, there would no longer be “unwanted children”.

Unwanted children, child abuse and trafficking have grown exponentially in our own country since the legalization of abortion.

Even more so, abortion provides the perpetrators of human trafficking to continue to operate, free of the “evidence” of their crimes.

The abortion industry is the “silent partner” in all of this — eliminating parental notice requirements and allowing perpetrators to bring in mere children at the age of 12 and 13 and perform their abortions — no questions asked.

There’s no denying it! Think twice before saying your support Planned Parenthood — or be complicit in their crimes against humanity as well.

I know this is a lot to handle. I know I’ve made some readers of this post angry. I know and I’m sorry — but I want you to be free as well!

I want you to break free from the tangled web of sin — and I know God wants that for you, too. Today, I am fasting for anybody feeling so convicted by this post. Please know I love you as I write it!

Finally, I must say this. This is a HEAVY post. I know. It is. But here is my secret to maintain peace and happiness and the ability to love my own people with all this HEAVINESS AND DARKNESS that surrounds us.

Don’t look at the big picture. It’s too overwhelming. Just look at the little ways you can make a difference — ONE PERSON AT A TIME.

Look for the ways you can LOVE — ONE PERSON AT A TIME. It’s the only way to stop the darkness from overwhelming us. The only way.

You can make a huge difference — one person at a time!

So I share that with you in the desire to give you hope and the strength to do what you can to make a difference and leave the rest in God’s hands.

Peace to you!


  • Megan

    Well, I almost didn’t read this post just because of the topic. But quickly in you were speaking my thoughts…this topic haunts me if I think of it. But I so badly want to help. I’ll be looking into the group in California. My money could help a victim..that’s a no brainer. What struck me is why we are not marching for the 20 to 40 million people who are still slaves today. Everyone was made in God’s image, everyone’s life matters. It’s almost like if we stay distracted by all the anger out there we won’t see those enslaved today. Mom always taught me that Satan is the father of confusion..if he can distract us and confuse then we won’t deal with the evil right in front of us. Thank you for your words and ways to help. Love you, Megan

    • Moira

      Amen, Megan!
      To think we still have slavery today — It’s absolutely shocking — which is why all men and women of good will need to unite on this topic! We can’t allow divisions to separate us and stop us from doing the good that we must do! Lord, have mercy — and heal our world of this attack on the dignity of the human person!!

  • Deanne

    wow! this site is being blocked by fb!!

    I finally had to post it without a thumbnail and space in front of .com

    fb has really gotten out of hand!

    love this!

    thanks for sharing!

    • Moira

      Yep, FB and Insta won’t let me link to this blog. I gave up trying to get a “why” from them. Apparently, my blog is considered offensive, while human traffickers run rampant on their sites. Go figure! Oh well, moving on…I’ll have to try that tip of the space before the .com. That’s brilliant!

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