Roe V. Wade and Where Do We Go From Here?
Apparently leaked documents seem to indicate that Roe V. Wade will be overturned in the Supreme Court and the fight will be brought back to the States — which most constitutional scholars agree (whether or not they support abortion) should have been the case, all along.
So where do we go from here?
If this leaked document does in fact indicate the final decision that will be coming this summer, what should we be doing to prepare for it?
Politically, we already see various groups working in their states to amend constitutions to allow for abortion for all 9 months, for any reason — some political leaders (for example, Ralph Northam from Virginia) have even proposed the idea of looking into abortion right after the birth of the baby.
“Keep the baby comfortable” he proposed, while the doctors and mother discuss whether or not this full term baby ought to live.
What fresh Hell have we found ourselves in, when elected officials actually contemplate placing a sweet, innocent baby in a “warmer” as an exhausted mother and “healthcare” workers decide that baby’s fate?
It seems the original mantra of the Pro-Abortion movement, “safe, legal and rare” has now turned into “anytime, any reason, any way you like it, even after that baby is born”.
The truth is, abortion is a billion dollar industry. Make no mistake, there are big profits at stake, big lobbying forces at work and even our tax dollars being used for abortion and abortion-inducing drugs around the country, as we speak — so we are all being pulled in to this fight, like it or not.
The truth is, there is no neutral ground. You must pick a side.
Just like days of old, when slaves were considered “less than human”, we now have a new demographic that pro-abortion advocates are trying to paint with the same stroke — ignoring these human beings have separate DNA and only need protection until they can survive outside of the womb.

A few months of simply allowing that life to continue until viability outside of the womb, and that mother could give that child to a family that has been waiting for months or years for a baby to love and to raise.
As Mother Teresa so beautifully said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
Such a tragedy that leaves a dead baby and a mother that will never get to hold and love her own baby — a mother that may turn to drugs, abusive relationships and self-harm because she can’t get over her “choice”. God bless those mothers!
I feel for those mothers as much as I feel for the babies, because I know we are forever changed by our babies — no matter how long they live — all the more so, if we choose to kill our own babies because we chose to believe a lie.
I can only imagine the agony! We must bring God’s message of forgiveness to those mothers, but we also must work so that no more mothers and babies are irreparably harmed through abortion.
Because let’s be clear: Abortion is taking the life of a baby, but, in a very real way, some part of the mother’s soul dies with that aborted baby. Their two souls are linked together, and there is a real death that occurs within the heart of that mother on that day.
Yes, there is healing and forgiveness, but what if those mothers and fathers don’t ever ask for forgiveness?
One day we will have to answer to God — the question will be clear, –“What did you do when baby’s lives and mother’s lives were on the line? What did you do when souls were on the line?”
Take some time to pray about what God is asking you to do — but make no mistake, this is a spiritual battle, and therefore, words and actions are not the only thing God is asking of us. We also have to pray!

In many ways, abortion is just the continuing of human sacrifice that has been part of satanic rituals for millennia, because in this belief system, innocent blood is required — what could be more innocent than a little, defenseless baby!?
I guess you could say abortion is the primary “sacrament ” of modern day Satanists — like sacrifices of old of innocent human life to Satan, known under various names throughout the centuries, including Moloch, Ashteroth, and Baal — but whatever the names, it is satanic in it’s nature.
This satanic ritual is happening on clinic tables — the modern day pagan altar — around the world and in abortion clinics near you.
Whether or not the one who chooses abortion or those performing those abortions are aware of their participation in this satanic sacrifice, they are most definitely participants in the murder of innocent life — which is why if you ever participated or assisted in abortion, you need to confess it and maybe even seek out an exorcist. It can be a serious doorway to demonic oppression or possession.
If we want to combat this satanic “sacrament”, one which directly mocks the words of Jesus and His sacrifice upon the cross — mocks His selflessly offering His own Body from the altar table at Every Mass with the words “this is my body, given up for you” — we need to make use of the SACRAMENTS He has given to us.
In reparation for the evils of abortion, you can make Holy Hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament. You can go to Mass and offer it in reparation for the evils of abortion. We can pray for our Supreme Court justices and heads of State, for mothers in crisis pregnancy and anybody involved in abortion.
We also should make the effort to go to confession monthly so God can work on our own selfish hearts and waken us from our sluggishness.
We can do that — we must do that — and we also should find out local resources for women in crisis and support them. Maybe we need to pray about adoption or foster care or financially supporting those who are supporting families in need.
But beyond that, Jesus made it clear in the Bible that some demons are only expelled through prayer and fasting.
WE need to bring back the practice of fasting — BIG TIME!
Start with Friday fasts until sundown and consider adding Wednesdays when your body has adjusted. If you have hypoglycemic issues or are pregnant, you can fast from social media or simply eat very plain food all day long.
Go meatless Wednesdays and Fridays — find some way to fast because Jesus has told us IT IS POWERFUL in expelling demons!
We have to realize that this battle is one against demonic forces that are intent upon taking us all to Hell — and they don’t really care how they do it, either through inaction in the face of evil or in committing evil actions — it doesn’t really matter to the them how they accomplish their goal.
In the end, all the demons care about is getting you and me to give up our call to live heroic lives of virtue and slowly open our hearts to sin and evil.
So we must fight! The fight begins with opening ourselves up to the Holy Spirit through prayer, fasting and the Sacraments — where it takes you will be different from me — but we are necessary in this fight!
So, let us look to Jesus and the Saints who have gone before us, and let’s let go of our sluggish, sinful ways and become the Saints the world NEEDS RIGHT NOW! Let us bring the message of life everlasting, forgiveness, hope and the sword of Truth.
With God on our side, we can not lose! Our victory is in Him, through Him, and With Him.

Beautifully said, Moira. Imagine if all of us Catholics could fast every week, year long. I’m so weak, but I do believe in the power of the fast. Friday fast will be my goal. I love you, Meg
Laura M
Thank you