Hope and Healing After A Choice
Happy Friday Everybody! I’ve been meaning to share this podcast that I recently recorded with Christine Mooney of the Catholic Mama Podcast. We turned the tables a bit and I became the interviewer — Christine and I discussed her abortion and how she is finding hope and healing. We also discussed the very real reality of the innocents who have been lost to abortion and that they don’t want their mothers and fathers to fall into despair. If you have had an abortion, I guess we just want you to know that there is hope, there is healing, and God has a plan to bring you out of your suffering…
Hope and Healing After an Abortion
Did you know that no matter what you’ve done in this life, that Jesus still loves you and wants to forgive you? But here is the thing. You have to acknowledge your sins and then ask for forgiveness. Today is a day we remember the men, women and children who have been hurt by a CHOICE. We pray for them and acknowledge they have been wounded deeply — so deeply that they can’t be healed by any doctor here on earth. The only One who can heal these wounds of profound sadness, regret, self-loathing and despair is Jesus. Only Jesus! So go to Him. Seek his forgiveness and begin to…