Praying,  Talking

Hope and Healing After an Abortion

Did you know that no matter what you’ve done in this life, that Jesus still loves you and wants to forgive you?  But here is the thing.  You have to acknowledge your sins and then ask for forgiveness.

Today is a day we remember the men, women and children who have been hurt by a CHOICE.  We pray for them and acknowledge they have been wounded deeply  — so deeply that they can’t be healed by any doctor here on earth.

We pray for every single person hurt by abortion.

The only One who can heal these wounds of profound sadness, regret, self-loathing and despair is Jesus.  Only Jesus!  So go to Him.  Seek his forgiveness and begin to live again.

I’ve always been amazed by the fact that Jesus loves us — EVEN IN THE MIDST OF OUR SIN.  The devil will tell us we’re beyond God’s love and forgiveness — but God tells us a different story…

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I John 1:9

There is hope after an abortion. There is healing — but it must begin with forgiveness: forgiveness from God, first, and then forgiveness from the little ones we have offended.

This doesn’t mean we won’t have regrets in this life.  Some of us will live with profound regret for our sins until the day we die — especially if it involves harming another — but those regrets don’t need to remain buried in your heart, festering like a wound.

Give them to God. Seek His forgiveness.

He can bring good even out of this awful thing — what that good will look like is entirely between you and Him.

What I do know is that God doesn’t want you to walk around wounded — He wants you to be healed.  He wants to help you to begin again and to do something beautiful with the life He has given to you.

He wants you to use the rest of your days to do good and to love well and to seek Him.

He wants to help you begin again!

So go to Him.  Seek forgiveness.  Begin again!  And if you don’t know where to begin, go to the nearest Catholic Church, kneel before the tabernacle and ask Him to help you — and He will.

If you’re Catholic, go to confession! Pray, fast and ask God to show you how you can do good and serve Him in this world. Love the people around you. Share the truth. Share your story!

You can not change the past, but you can begin today to live a different life, one of hope and forgiveness and determination to be a force for good in this world.

I also highly recommend you go check out Project Rachel or Rachels Vineyard. Both good places to learn more and accept the healing of God in your life.

Let us all continue to pray and work for a culture of life and love!

“Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust God. All will be well”.

~St. Joan of Arch~


  • Sarah

    What a beautiful post. So true! I believe there are so many women out there that would be pro-life but because they had an abortion young in life they feel compelled to cling to this pro-choice, pro killing stance.

    • Moira

      Hello Sarah,

      I’ve read a statistic that almost 1 in 4 women sitting in the pews had an abortion at some point in their life — which really brings home the reality that ministering to women and helping them find healing should be a huge priority in our Church!

      You are right, there are may women who have had to face a choice they made and then have to reconcile that with their lives and their faith. It explains the very emotional, angered responses in opposition to choosing life that we see in our culture. May they seek God’s forgiveness and may God heal the hearts of those women and men and help them to stand in defense of Life! Contrition is a beautiful path back to healing and wholeness! Let’s keep praying for them and for our nation!
      God bless you!

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