• Momming,  Talking

    Let’s Talk About: Getting Ready for Christmas

    I am not trying to freak anybody out, but Christmas is less than two weeks away.  Now how did that happen?! It is coming fast!  On Sunday, we will finally get our tree up and decorated — because Gaudete Sunday, people. Gaudete is Latin for “Rejoice” and it is the perfect time to raise the tree and decorate the house and to be reminded why we have been trying to sacrifice in the first place. Advent is a gift to people like you and me — people who live in a world that is always trying to frantically push the next thing we MUST.BE.DOING and NOW!  It’s a way to…

  • Living

    Advent Has Me Like…

    Wow, Advent has been like a mini Lent — exactly what the Church says it’s supposed to be — but I don’t really like to suffer and be inconvenienced so it has been a time of stretching.  We’re not talking a pleasant yoga-type-stretching — it’s been more of a medieval being-stretched-on-a-rack type of stretching — not pleasant. 🙁 And just when I thought we were over the hump of little sufferings and inconveniences and making way for Christmas, we found ourselves in the midst of another entirely unexpected kind-of-big drama this week.  We’re still in the midst of it and it’s sad for a whole bunch of reasons — but I’ll leave…