• Talking

    Roe V. Wade and Where Do We Go From Here?

    Apparently leaked documents seem to indicate that Roe V. Wade will be overturned in the Supreme Court and the fight will be brought back to the States — which most constitutional scholars agree (whether or not they support abortion) should have been the case, all along. So where do we go from here? If this leaked document does in fact indicate the final decision that will be coming this summer, what should we be doing to prepare for it? Politically, we already see various groups working in their states to amend constitutions to allow for abortion for all 9 months, for any reason — some political leaders (for example, Ralph…

  • Talking

    What is a Woman?

    What was once widely accepted as simple truth, has now come into question. What exactly is a woman? I mean, if our newest member of the Supreme Court can not answer such a seemingly simple question, what hope is there for the rest of us? Gone are the days when women’s rights were enshrined to protect women — those carrying the XX chromosme — now we have been given the example of a “highly educated” woman whose only response to the question, “What is a woman” was the stunningly absurd, “I can’t answer that; I’m not a biologist.” Alrighty then! I will put this woman (though I’m also not a…