
The Busy Mom’s (and Dad’s) Guide to Prayer.

Happy New Year, everybody! I just wanted to share a podcast I was on recently with Christine of Catholic Mama Podcast, talking about learning to pray as a Mom (or a Dad!).

Believe it or not, it’s way different than praying as a single person in so many ways — at least, it’s different because you need to learn to be flexible and to go with the punches.

Seriously, couldn’t resist this picture below when I was thinking of praying as a mom. We came upon it in Florence, and at the time I was breastfeeding a 6 month old across Italy.

I couldn’t resist this picture. “Momlife” in a nutshell! Ha!
©Modern Catholic Mom 2016

I took one look at this picture and thought, “Mary, you get it! You get all the exhaustion, the giving of yourself, the pouring yourself out. You get it!” For the first time in my life, I saw the humanity of Mary breaking through.

Her expression was so consoling. It was as if she was thinking “How long until Joseph gets home?” Ha. It’s perfect!

Anyway, I hit some rough patches in prayer after becoming a mom, and I wanted to share the things God taught me along the way. I think this podcast will be helpful for any mom struggling to keep prayer going or to just go deeper in prayer.

There is always going to be the next summit to reach and a few unexpected valleys along the way, too. This podcast is about navigating all of it.

It’s Episode #167 and it’s called the Busy Parents’ Guide to Prayer. Hope it’s helpful!

You can find it here on Itunes or over at Christine’s sites where you also can find links to stitcher, google play and Itunes as well.

Happy Listening!

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