
Join Me For A Free Catholic Mom’s Summit!

Guys, I’m very excited to be able to invite you to a FREE event, happening in November, right from your own homes or together as a small group in your own neck of the woods.

That’s right, calling all you moms out there to join me at the Catholic Moms Summit, where some really amazing Catholic authors and speakers are going to be sharing their wisdom about the real issues moms face every day and the practical steps to find the peace and balance we all want.

Can I get an “Amen!”?

And did I mention it was free? It’s going to be awesome!

I’m so excited to be part of this amazing weekend put together by Catholic moms for Catholic moms — coming together to share some wisdom we’ve learned along the way.

I think it’s going to be amazing, but the best part is, it’s free, so there is nothing to lose!

I’ll be sharing more in the upcoming weeks, but head on over right now and sign up at:

By the way, there’s a funny story about that picture of me. I was asked for a “headshot” — which I don’t have — and as I had already passed the deadline, I asked my teenage daughter to help me take one.

She kept laughing and telling me I looked awkward (stating the obvious, but come on she knows I feel totally awkward every time I get in front of a camera — I can’t help but freeze up and look, well awkward. Ha, Ha!)

After a few minutes of the least enjoyable photo session ever (keeping it real, people), I told her she was “fired”, grabbed my phone, stepped out my front door and took this picture.

So there you have it, the behind the scenes of my “glamorous” photo session. Anyway, I promise to put way more effort into my talk. I really hope you can join me in November!

That’s about it. Have a beautiful weekend!

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