Apparently, I’m HUGE in Lithuania
Hey guys! I had planned to write about our Anniversary and bringing our kids back to the spot where John proposed in Glendalough, Ireland — but alas all of that will have to wait because of a little bit of housekeeping. E-mail list housekeeping, that is. It all started last month when I began receiving copious amounts of sign-ups for my e-mail list. At first I was left to wonder which thought-provoking post had led to all these signups?! Then I noticed an unusual repetition of certain names from the same server which I linked back to the Lithuanian government. Guys, Apparently, I’m HUGE in Lithuania. Who knew? Or…
Segovia and the Beauty of Reconciliation
Guys, it’s 10:15 at night, all Saints Day, and I’m just beginning this post. Arghh. I’ve made a commitment to posting on Fridays and darn it, I’m going to keep it — though I can’t guarantee this post will make any sense, because this girl is tired. TIRED. So what to write about? Hmm, how about the time we went to Segovia, Spain. It’s a rainy Fall day, so it seems a perfect time to reminisce about a place that was hot and arid and so different than the place I call home. Let me give you a little glimpse of a summer night in Segovia to get you in…
That Time I Confessed My Sins in Knock, Ireland
Today, a young man from Ireland sent a kind little word about a post in my Instagram stories. It was a quote from John Paul II: Shout out, David, if you’re reading this! I have to tell you, this young man’s honest words about the struggles he has had with his faith, after all the scandals in Ireland is hard to bear. And yet, after our own “summer of scandal”, I feel like I understand a little bit about how he is feeling. So many people disillusioned with the Church — and who could blame them? We had an amazing experience in Ireland, but I’d be naive to think that…
You Are Not Enough — But That’s Okay, Because Jesus Is.
The phrase, “You are enough” has become a big catch phrase that has blown up social media and Christian circles for the past year or so. Honestly, I was kind of sold on the concept — that is, until I wasn’t. Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean to attack all those good people out there trying to help, especially women, to accept themselves for who they are. The problem is that, like many slogans, it all depends on what you mean. Yes, God made us good. Yes, He made us in His own image and likeness. So, in that respect we are enough and are worthy of being loved…
Nobody Puts Mary in a Corner
Last week, I was sitting in Mass trying to pay attention during the homily — and failing miserably. I just couldn’t help myself from thinking about that famous quote from the oh-so-popular-and-yet-so-awful movie, Dirty Dancing. That famous line of Patrick Swayze, “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” just kept popping up in my head. The struggle is real, people. Those of you who have no idea what I am referring to, you must have had a very blessed childhood — for the rest of us, I’m sure we can agree it was hardly the place for that memory. At least I could be comforted by the words of St. Teresa of Avila…
Hiking the Cliffs of Moher… a.k.a That Time We Almost Died (Twice)
If we knew then, what we know now, we likely wouldn’t have made the hike up to the Cliffs of Moher. Don’t get me wrong, it was breathtakingly beautiful and invigorating and every step made you appreciate the grandeur of God’s creation. I mean, look at these views! Granted, there was a wee bit of danger involved — eventually the only thing separating you and your kids from a 700 foot drop to the ocean was good sense and a little bit of skill. Truth be told, we did almost die once on the hike — though some on our adventure claimed it was twice — so reservations when undertaking…
An Awakening
There have been some bad moments in our Church lately — and we need to recognize that — but almost imperceptibly in the background, there also seems to be an awakening going on in the hearts of Catholics around the world. The truth is, there has been a weight that has been dragging us down, making us tired and lethargic — I know that I have felt it, and maybe you have, too. It was like we couldn’t quite name the darkness or our lethargy, but as members of the same Body, we were feeling the sickness that hadn’t yet been diagnosed. There was a rot that had set in,…
That Time We Went to Killarney (With Kids)
Happy last day of Summer! Does anybody else approach Fall with the bittersweet feeling of what is to come — a long, dark winter? As the days get shorter, I always find myself contending with what doctors refer to as Seasonal Affective Disorder, abbreviated SAD. Um guys, could you have possibly come up with a worse name?! So, not only do I experience a lack of energy, general melancholy and difficulty in focusing at this time of year — I now have to be reminded I’m SAD? Heck no! From now on I will refer to it as HAPPY, Having A Pity Party (about the weather) Yessiree. It’s all in…
The Power of Beauty in Times of Darkness
I have a feeling that when God made Ireland, He knew that the Irish would have the rain and dark winters and melancholic temperaments to contend with — and so He made Ireland amazingly, shockingly, jaw-droppingly beautiful. I am sure He knew that they would need this beauty to give them hope throughout centuries of oppression that they would face. I have no doubt He intended to use this beauty to draw them closer to Him as they walked these paths and fields, climbed these mountains and descended these valleys. I am pretty sure God was whispering “I am here and you mean everything to me” when He formed this…
Will He Find Faith? A.K.A. What’s Next?
We all survived our Irish pilgrimage — hip, hip, hooray — but the transition back has had it’s challenges. Not going to lie, I am also missing Ireland a bit — I wasn’t expecting to miss it like I do. It was a grace-filled time, and when a time of grace comes to an end, it is challenging to enter into “ordinary life” again — whatever that is. Honestly, I knew it would be beautiful and we would have fun as a family, but I was worried that the faith would be missing from our trip to Ireland. I wondered if all the priests would just be going through the…